Job Success Tips: How to Get a Job Promotion at Work

Tip #1 – Become Deadline-Oriented

In the workplace, deadlines are everything. If you want to become successful, you must make it a point to follow deadlines very closely, so that your projects are always delivered on time.

Tip #2 – Share Your Knowledge

The successful don’t fear scarcity, but instead embrace abundance. When they have knowledge and skills, they freely give it away to others with the understanding that those they help will become important allies in the future.

Tip #3 – Build a Portfolio of Your Work

In some cases, you will not be promoted directly, but will have to apply for a job within the company. In these cases, you will want to have a resume and portfolio (if applicable) available, so that you can use them in the interview.

Tip #4 – Rationalize Why You Are Worthy of a Promotion

Getting a promotion can be a difficult process. This is why it is important that you spend some time thinking about and rationalizing why you are worthy of a promotion. When the going gets tough, you’ll have reasons that you can use to reinforce your choice.

Tip #5 – Don’t Shy Away from Gray Areas

Gray areas are important. Those who are successful find out how to succeed, even when things are clearly black or white. Those who often fail to succeed cannot work through gray areas, but instead get confused and bogged down. If you want to get recognized and promoted, you must charge gray areas head-on and demonstrate that they won’t make you ineffective.

Tip #6 – Meet People and Make Friends

At least one a week, get out of your cubicle and walk the office. Meet the people who work next to you; and endear them to you. When you’re up for a promotion, it can never hurt to have too many friends.

Tip #7 – Expand Your Understanding of the Business

When it comes to getting a promotion, being good at your job isn’t enough. In fact, it’s just one prerequisite. In addition to being good at your job, you will also have to gain a much stronger understanding of the business you work in, so you can make broader, bigger picture suggestions.

Tip #8 – See Opportunities-Not Challenges

Many people see challenges and freeze with fear. The successful don’t see challenges, but instead look for opportunities. Be like the successful and look for opportunities.

Tip #9 – Don’t Pass the Buck

Passing the buck is what you do if you don’t want responsibility. If you want to be successful and to get promoted, don’t pass the buck. Take any responsibility that comes your way; and ask for more.

Tip #10 – Don’t Be Afraid to Stand-Up for Yourself

When it comes to contradicting your boss or a co-worker, you might decide that it is not a good idea to stand up for yourself, but instead to back-down. However, if you have good reason to believe you are right, you should stick up for yourself as long as it is reasonable and respectful. Ultimately, your co-workers and boss will respect you more for it.

Author Bio: Learn how to get a job promotion or find a new career today! Visit Michelle’s website, and learn how to write a resume and find employment.

Category: Career
Keywords: career, job promotion, writing a resume, find a job, job search, workplace

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