Medjool Dates Calories Are Low

Dates have been around since the beginning of civilization. The date was very important to beginnings of western civilization. It was credited with permitting desert dwellers survie and prosper in ancient Sumeria. During wars date orchards were often burned to the ground by the victor to subjugate the conquered populations. The many references in the bible to the date and palms shows how important the date was. References to honey in ancient biblical passages are more likely than not references to honey from medjool dates. The medjool date is not too well know in western culture, but once you taste you are likely to enjoy it and perhaps even love it.

Even though medjool dates may appear to be loaded with calories they really are not and unlike junk food nature’s candy (medjool date) is composed of highly nutritious stuff. Three ounces of dates will have around 230 calories, but they have 62 grams of carbohydrates, 570 milligrams of potassium and 6 grams of fiber and 10% of magnesium requirements. There are no other fruits that have as much punch on an ounce for ounce comparison of carbohydrates and potassium. Dates have also been linked with lower rates of heart disease. The medjool date is a by far sweeter than any other dates and the diet of individuals linked with lower heart disease rates is composed of other types of dates that are not quite as sweet, but the basis nutritional value is comparable. For athletes needing a lot of carbohydrates there is really nothing quite as good as medjool dates. Considering the caloric value is not much higher than other fruits and there is no reason why you can’t enjoy as many medjool dates as you an eat.

Medjool date cultivation is very labor intensive. The date palm does not start producing until after seven years later or so. Medjool dates are separated to keep the clusters smaller and permit the fruit to grow larger. They are then hand picked one at a time. They are then sorted and cleaned and shipped for grading. Then they get to the consumer. A relatively expensive fruit, but a fruit that is now within the reach of everyone. At one time they were reserved for royalty. Only royalty had access to the medjool date. It was and continues to be a dessert fruit. It is not eaten as part of a regular diet. Other date are eaten as staple food and it is comparable to bread in other parts of the world. Between eating a candy bar and a date, enjoy your date the nutritional value is very high and does not compare to a candy bar. Even though relatively expensive as a fruit it is not much more expensive than a candy bar. A pour of candy bars will cost almost as much as a pound of medjool dates. The health benefits from medjool dates cannot even be compared with candy bars. So next time don ‘t even worry about the calories the calories are minute in comparison to candy bars and the fiber will only help you stick to your diet and maintain your target weight.

Author Bio: Ten Health Secrets of the Medjool Date at Medjool Dates Calories

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: medjool dates

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