Mouthguards Are Small But Mighty Defenders

Statistics show that up to 40 percent of all sports injuries involve the face, often including broken teeth, cuts in the lip, gum, tongue and soft tissue or fractures in the jawbone. Yet by simply wearing a small but mighty mouthguard, the risk of sports-related oral injuries are dramatically reduced.

Athletes and parents of young athletes are all aware of the importance of helmets, knee pads and shin guards for protection while participating in a variety of sports from football and hockey to bicycling and skateboarding and everything in between. However, mouthguards are often overlooked as an essential piece of protective gear. Yet they shouldn’t be…they can make a big difference in a player’s safety because they are specifically designed to cover and encase the teeth, gums and bone, providing a cushion that absorbs and redistributes the impact of any force or traumatic blow to the lower area of the face.

In fact, after high schools and colleges began requiring facemasks and mouthguards for their football players, the number of reported injuries dropped by a whopping 200,000 per year. And now, all states mandate that young athletes wear mouthguards during high school hockey, football, boxing and lacrosse. Yet other sports such as baseball, softball, soccer, basketball, inline skating, volleyball and martial arts often produce injuries to the lips, teeth, gums, tongue, soft tissue and jawbone as well. In fact, The American Dental Association and The Academy of Sports Dentistry recommend mouthguards for athletes who participate in these sports along with other activities from acrobatics to equestrian events and wrestling to surfing.

Once an athlete is convinced that wearing a mouthguard is a smart move, there might be some confusion as to what type is best. Mouthguards come in three styles-ready-made, mouth-formed and custom-made. And while they may all seem very similar, each type provides different features and varying degrees of protection.

Ready-Made Mouthguards – These are readily available at sporting goods stores and are quite affordable. The challenge with this type of mouthguard is that because they are designed to fit almost everyone, they can feel bulky and uncomfortable in the mouth. And athletes who wear these mouthguards sometimes have difficulty with breathing and talking because this style is secured by a closed jaw.

Mouth-Formed Mouthguards – There are two types of mouth-formed mouthguards. The first style has an acrylic shell lining that molds to the teeth and then sets in order to keep its shape. The drawback is that it can harden over time, losing its flexibility and level of comfort. The second type of mouth-formed mouthguard is sometimes called a “boil and bite” because this thermoplastic mouthpiece is put in boiling water to soften it before placing it in the mouth and using the lips, tongue, fingers and biting pressure to create a ‘custom fit.’ This style retains its flexibility yet can feel bulky to the wearer.

Custom-Made Mouthguards – Because a mouthguard that is properly fitted provides the best protection, a custom-made mouthguard is often the best option. To create this type of mouthguard, a dentist makes an impression of the athlete’s teeth and this impression is then used to create a mouthguard that will retain its shape and continue to fit snugly and comfortably in the athlete’s mouth. If an athlete has braces, removable bridges, dentures, or a protruding jaw or cleft palate, special mouthguards are recommended and can be created by a dentist.

Before purchasing a mouthguard, it’s a good idea to talk to your dentist about the different styles of mouthguards and to discuss any problems or concerns you may have. No matter what type of mouthguard is selected for an athlete to wear, the most important aspects of any mouthguard are that it is fitted properly and worn regularly during games as well as during practice.

Mouthguards might be small, but they certainly are mighty when it comes to the protection that they offer. Remember…it’s better to be safe than toothless!

Author Bio: Dr. Gianino has based his dental philosophy on patient respect and genuine relationships, taking the time to learn about the smile of your dreams – the smile you deserve. You can visit his website at He would love to hear from you.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: gianino, mouthguards, teeth protection for athletes, athletic mouth protection

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