New Invention Helps People Put In Contacts

Orlando, Fl – An Entrepreneurial Research and Development company, Hot Ideas World Inc. Announced today the successful test marketing of it’s New Contact lens inserter and eye drop applicator, called the EyePOD Contact Lens Kit.

The EyePOD Contact Lens Kit was an invention that was inspired by it’s inventor’s affliction with bells palsy. The EyePOD is designed to preform two very essential eye care tasks, first it is designed to help the treatment of various eye maladies by making it easier to apply medicinal eye drops to your eye. Second the EyePOD was designed to help prevent the cause of it’s inventor’s bells palsy, the EyePOD allows contact lens wearers to put in contacts and remove contacts finger free.

The Doctor that invented this device contracted bells palsy by accidentally scratching his cornea with his fingernail while putting in his contact lenses. By changing the way people put in and remove their contact lenses the EyePOD helps reduce the chances of transmitting hostile microbes to the wearer’s eye.

An Interesting side effect of the design of the EyePOD is that it actually saves it’s users both time and money, by making it easier to put in contact lenses the EyePOD’s designers claim to reduce the time spent putting in contacts down to only a few seconds.

When that time savings is added to the money saving effects of the way the EyePOD reduces the chances of missing when trying to put in eye drops, and how the eye pod helps make sure you only use 1 eye drop the difference is astounding.

Several of the people who first purchased the EyePOD from Hot Ideas World’s website report they are still using the same bottle of eye drops they were using when they recieved the EyePOD, Months ago.

All in all, the EyePOD seems pretty easy to use, Hot Ideas World even provided instructions for it

Basic Steps to put in contacts, when you use an EyePOD.

1. Wash the EyePOD Contact Lens Kit. Because The Eye POD Eye Care Kit was designed with antimicrobial substances In it’s plastics it helps to keep itself Germ Free, Still, giving any object that you are about to put in your eye a nice cleaning is usually a bright idea.

2. Now You should Begin by Opening the Contact Lens Case, then place the EyePOD contact lens inserter on the contact

3. And Then pick up your EyePOD lifting it to your eye level, Now Look into the tube in the center

4. Now While holding your eye open, bring the Contact Lens to your eye and next gently press, remember to keep your eye open until you have put your contact lens on your eye.

5. And Now do it again one more time for the other eye.

It seems simple, the little things that when you put them all together in one device make such a huge difference. Hot Ideas World inc is also hinting at there being quite a few other unique innovations they are waiting to show the world.

Author Bio: Bif Ocal is the pen name used by the author of How To Put In Contacts of course, Bif Ocal’s favorite way to put in contacts is to use the EyePOD Contact Lens Kit

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: EyePOD,Contacts,Contact Lenses,put in contacts,remove contacts,eye drops

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