Nightguards Are the Best Solution For Bruxism

The unconscious habit of grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw, either during the day or more commonly while you sleep, is known as bruxism. Over two million people are estimated to have this condition, and while it may seem like a harmless little habit, it can actually damage your teeth as well as the muscles and tissues in and around your jaw because of the constant pressure and motion it creates. Other indications of bruxism are the tendencies of biting on pencils or your fingernails, lips or the inside of your cheeks. So if you have any of these little habits, you most likely also grind your teeth and clench your jaw even though you may not be aware that you are doing either one.

There are a variety of reasons behind bruxism including:




-Misaligned Teeth

-Calcium Deficiency



-Sleeping Habits

-Medications such as Anti-Depressants

-Sleep Apnea Sleeping Disorder


-Overconsumption of caffeine or alcohol

Some of the symptoms that can indicate that you are suffering from this condition are:



-Pain and tiredness in the muscles of your face

-Sensitive teeth

-A sore jaw

-Pain in the head and neck

-It can also lead to TMJ Disorder

If you have any of these symptoms, your dentist can perform a thorough examination of your teeth, tissues and muscles to determine if you suffer from bruxism. If you do, often the best solution is an orthotic appliance known as a nightguard that your dentist can create specifically for your mouth and that you can wear while you sleep to prevent you from grinding and clenching your teeth. There are a variety of styles of nightguards and patients react differently to the various types, so your dentist will work with you to find the style that will work comfortably and effectively for you.

In many cases, consistently wearing a nightguard that is created for you will eliminate the problem. And if it does not completely get rid of the condition, your dentist may also suggest some additional approaches and therapies that can help reduce the reasons behind the bruxism. These may include one or several of the following:

-Facial relaxation exercises

-Facial and neck massage

-Stretching exercises for the muscles of the face and neck

-Ice and heat therapy

-Proper rest

-Eating soft foods

-Hydrating your body

If your teeth were damaged by bruxism or if TMJ is a factor in the condition, your dentist can repair the damage to your teeth and treat the pain and symptoms involved.

Because of the damage that bruxism can do, if you suffer any of the symptoms or if you know for certain that you grind your teeth or clench your jaw, you should see your dentist to begin the process of dealing with the issue. It’s definitely not a good idea to ignore bruxism because if left unattended, the consistent grinding and rubbing together of your teeth over time can cause not only dental problems but insomnia, eating disorders and depression.

Author Bio: Dr. Gianino has based his dental philosophy on patient respect and genuine relationships, taking the time to learn about the smile of your dreams – the smile you deserve. You can visit his website at He would love to hear from you.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: gianino, bruxism, teeth grinding, dental health, dental care, grinding teeth

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