Office Tooth Whitening

When we talk about office tooth whitening we actually mean laser whitening which is undertaken completely in a clinic or office environment. This term is defined because the other method of whitening is home based or tray bleaching systems which are used whilst at home.

Laser or office tooth whitening is a method that is taking traction all across the world as people start to recognize this system is safe and works really well. All whitening systems are a really great way of removing unwanted stains from the surface and pores of the enamel making the smile look wonderful again!

There are several benefits which we will talk about later on in the article but let us discuss the laser system or office tooth whitening and the comparison between this and other systems will be discussed in other articles elsewhere.

Benefits of office tooth whitening:

Number 1 – Speed
With the laser method it takes just over one and half hours so this is the fastest way to whiten the teeth. The other system to whiten the teeth is the trays and these take around fourteen days to complete so it is easy to see why people would want to opt for the office tooth whitening method.

Number 2 – Easy/no hassle
Ok so once you have had your consultation you are going to sit on the chair or couch for an hour whilst the dentist or teeth whitening specialist does all the work…easy!

Again the tray based system does require discipline and needs to be used for consecutive days to get the best results. On your part this requires effort and discipline and sometimes people forget or just lose the motivation to keep using them.

Number 3 – Safe and reliable
The great news is that as long as you have staining in the enamel then laser whitening will remove it and this is why it always works because over the years we accumulate staining and this results in a yellowing of the teeth.

It is safe honestly. Sometimes there is lots of information on the internet about horror stories relating to office tooth whitening and to be honest unless the dentist or specialist makes a horrendous mistake it is very safe. Now mistakes can happen in any field form time to time but if the lips, gums or soft tissues come do accidentally come in to contact with the whitening gel minimal harm is done just some short term blistering which heals in a couple of days.

The products are so much better today than a few years ago so the protective barriers used are more resilient than ever so I am sure many of these horror stories are planted and have a commercial angle!

office tooth whitening is definitely a good choice if you are considering getting the teeth whiter and there are some really great deals around so the cost should be affordable. Many of the better companies offer low priced top up treatments for existing customers making it affordable in the future to have them re-whitened.

Author Bio: See more about Teeth whitening Luton or check out laser whitening Barnet lots of information to review!

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: teeth whitening,professional teeth whitening,professional teeth,teeth whitening system, yellow teeth

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