Omega-3 & Omega-6 Essential Fatty Acids

If you pay attention to vitamins and other minerals your body needs you may have heard about Omega-3. Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid necessary for human health. The only problem is that our body does not produce Omega-3 naturally so we must ingest it through food. Omega-3 is primarily found in fish like salmon or tuna. Smaller amounts of Omega-3 can be found in nut oils and some plants. If you hate the taste of fish you may want to try Omega-3 supplements. These supplements can easily be found at your nearest nutrition and vitamin store. Many people actually prefer to take Omega-3 supplements because it is a lot easier and has the same health benefits. Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that helps with a number of problems. Omega-6 is also essential for optimum health but could potential cause more harm than good. After reading this you will be more aware of the health benefits of both Omega-3 and Omega-6.

Let us start off by mentioning the amazing health benefits of Omega-3. One reason to get more Omega-3 in your diet is to help with brain function. The University of Maryland Medical Center has conducted studies that show there is a high concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids in the brain. This is very important to help with brain memory and behavioral functions. During pregnancy if the infant does not get enough Omega-3 then there could be some nerve and vision damage. In order to be sure this does not happen the mother should eat fish at least twice a week or take an Omega-3 supplement like I mentioned before. Omega-3 is also great for reducing inflammation and helps lower the risk of arthritis. Those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis will benefit from ingesting Omega-3 because it reduces inflammation in the joints and also helps with morning stiffness. Omega-3 does not cure rheumatoid arthritis but rather treats the symptoms. If I have any joint pain or inflammation I would take Omega-3 supplements because I am not always in the mood to eat fish, especially in the morning. Omega-3 also helps improve bone strength to help prevent osteoporosis. Various studies have shown possibilities that Omega-3 helps with menstrual pain and minor asthma. Some studies also show that Omega-3 helps to prevent breast and prostate cancer. Even though these studies may not prove to help every individual person, the bottom line is to include more Omega-3 in your diet. Omega-3 as an essential fatty acid will not only make you feel better physically, but mentally as well.

Omega-6 is another essential fatty acid that the body cannot produce on its own. Unlike Omega-3, you can take too much Omega-6 which will lead to heart disease, arthritis, and even cancer or depression. The idea here is to balance Omega-3 with Omega-6. Dr. Udo Erasmus, an expert on oils and nutrition, suggests ingesting two parts Omega-3 to one part Omega-6. This helps to ensure a better balance between the two. If you are interested in an oil blend with this balance take a look at Udo’s Choice Oil Blend. This will be exactly what you need to get a proper balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6. Too much Omega-6 will lead to higher blood pressure. Many people that eat unhealthy get more Omega-6. The truth is that we need to get less Omega-6 and more Omega-3. Getting too much Omega-6 will result in water retention which will add some weight. Too much Omega-6 will also increase the risk of blood clotting. The good side to Omega-6 is that it aids in cancer treatment, reduces joint pain, relieves PMS discomforts, and helps clear up acne. Omega-6 is found in a lot of different oils and seeds. Flax seed, hemp, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, and pine nuts are only a few sources of Omega-6. Olive oil, flax seed oil, and chicken are some more sources of Omega-6 but should only be consumed in moderation. The next time you visit your local health and nutrition store be sure to ask about Omega-3 supplements. You cannot have too much Omega-3 in your diet but you can get too much Omega-6. There is a high possibility that you are already getting enough Omega-6 in your diet based on the foods you already eat.

Now that you are aware of the health benefits of Omega-3 you may want to consider joining the rest of us and begin feeling better today. Also, be aware of the brands of Omega-3 and imitators. There are some companies out there that give you Omega-3 supplements that only contain 50% or less Omega-3. You want to be sure to get full strength, high quality Omega-3 to ensure you are getting the most benefits. Also, stay away from cheaper vitamins because they are the same way. There are some companies out there that simply do not care about the health of their customers, but rather how much money they spend. Start getting more Omega-3 in your diet today!

Author Bio: Bill Perkins has knowledge and a strong interest in the field of weight loss and proper nutrition. His current website consists of weight loss program reviews, proper ways to diet, and much more. Weight Loss and Nutrition Secrets

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

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