On Being a Responsible Dog Owner

Adopting a new canine is the first step toward enjoying a rewarding experience as a dog owner. Your new companion will show a level of love and devotion unmatched by any other pet. You’ll arrive home from a long day and look forward to his greeting you by the door. But ownership comes with responsibility. You’ll need to provide your pooch with food, shelter, and veterinary care throughout his life.

This article will describe how to be a conscientious owner. First, we’ll provide a short list of questions to consider before you adopt your pooch. We’ll then explain why ongoing veterinary care is critical to ensuring your canine remains healthy and happy over the long run. You’ll also learn the importance of establishing your authority upfront so you and your dog enjoy a lasting friendship built on trust and affection.

Questions To Ask Yourself Prior To Adopting A Dog

One of the biggest surprises for a lot of owners is the cost of ownership. Many people adopt their new pets without considering the annual expenses involved with providing basic care. Ask yourself whether you can afford to spend up to $2,500 a year. If not, adopting a canine may be a less than ideal decision.

You should also consider whether your lifestyle can accommodate your new companion. Are you required to travel often for your job? Do you prefer to spend most of your time with your social network (i.e. friends, family, etc.)? Owning a pooch requires time and commitment.

Think about your home. Is it large enough to accommodate a dog? If you rent your living space, does your landlord or property manager allow pet ownership? Postpone adopting a canine until you’re certain you can provide an appropriate home for him.

The Importance Of Ongoing Veterinary Care

Your new canine companion will need periodic checkups and exams in order to remain in good health. If he has an existing medical condition, he may also need medications. Part of being a responsible owner is making sure an experienced veterinarian examines your pooch at least once a year – and preferably, twice. He or she can identify health issues before they worsen and become life-threatening.

Establishing Authority And Setting The Ground Rules

Dogs are pack animals. They are accustomed to a defined hierarchy that includes a pack leader. It is critical that you establish yourself as the leader of your new canine’s pack from the moment you introduce him to your home. Moreover, he must quickly understand that he is subordinate to your family within the pack.

Set the ground rules by enrolling him into professional dog training classes. Try to find classes in which the trainer encourages owners to get involved. This will give your canine an opportunity to understand your role as his pack leader. It also provides an ideal setting for socialization training; your pooch will spend time among other pets and their owners in a friendly, controlled environment.

Providing A Comfortable Home

Your canine will need a few supplies to feel comfortable within your home. You’ll need to purchase a dog bed, chew toys, and bowls for his food and water. Consider buying a crate that will function as his personal refuge to which he can retreat at his leisure. Also, plan to buy a leash, collar, and grooming supplies. If he suffers from joint pain, he may not be able to jump easily. You’ll need to buy a ramp he can use to reach high places (e.g. bed, couch, car, etc.).

Being a responsible dog owner requires a level of commitment that many people are unprepared to make. But this commitment is vital to your canine’s health and happiness. The expense and effort, while substantial, sets the stage for a friendship that lasts a lifetime.

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Category: Pets
Keywords: pets, dogs, dog chews, dog treats, dog behavior, being a dog owner

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