One of the Most Neglected Computer Repair Procedures

One of the most neglected computer repair procedures is the cleaning of the fan. One thing that people have to realize is this: every laptop computer was created individually and not all are the same same. Every model is made specifically, so you have to treat them as separates. When you first get your new laptop, it is normal for you to be excited about your shiny new toy. Laptops are nice and pretty when they are new, but if you are not careful, you can easily say goodbye to your expensive new toy. Part of deciding to own a laptop is the inherent responsibility equip yourself with quick and easy computer repair tips so that you can keep it running cool. Cleaning the fan in some laptop models can be qite easy, but there are some models who will require a specialist for the job to be done properly.

Nevertheless, here are the tools that you need to ready yourself with:

* A small screw driver
* A can of compressed air
* A tube of thermal paste

Once you have your tools ready, you can begin cleaning your laptop fan. Be sure to follow these instructions properly, because if you make a single mistake, you may regret it forever, so do not attempt to proceed if you are doubtful of your capabilities. Anyway, are you ready?

1. Remove the five screws that you will find at the bottom of your laptop. Come on, flip your laptop over and locate those five screws. Once you have unscrewed them, make sure to secure these because you might not be able to find a good replacement screw on the exact size. Once this is done, pry the cover open. You might hear a weird sound while you are doing this, but do not worry; that is normal.

2. You will then find, five more screws. These five screws are holding on the heat sink. Once you have removed these, you can also remove the two screws that hold down the CPU fan. When you are removing the fan, you have to be more careful because there is a connector attached to the fan. You will have to make sure to pull the plastic connector first. Do not pull on the cable because you night damage it.

3. Remove the heat sink and then spray it with compressed air. This will blow off the dust that has accumulated. After this, you can also remove the fan and then spray it with compressed air, as well. Be quite careful though, because the blades on the fan are quite delicate. Therefore to make sure that you protect this, you have to hold the wheel in place while you blow the compressed air on it.

4. After cleaning the heat sink and the fan, get the heat sink once again and check if the thermal paste on the small copper plates have hardened or cracked. If you find that the thermal paste is still in a toothpaste consistency, you have nothing to worry about; just leave it as it is and let it stay. If on the other hand, you discover that it has hardened, you can scrape off the hardened paste with a credit card or a thin plastic. Do not use a knife or any metal or you may damage the structure. Clean the surface first and blow it with compressed air, then apply a small amount of thermal paste on the heat sink and spread it around.

5. Put back every component as you took them out. Be careful not to misplace anything or your computer will not function properly.

6. Put the two screws and stabilize the fan in its position, making sure to attach the connector as well. Put back all the other screws in its proper place.

Congratulations! You have successfully performed a simply computer repair procedure!

Author Bio: Computer Repairs Manchester Pc repairs Manchester

Category: Computers and Technology

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