Own Your Business Vs. Network Marketing!

The term “Network Marketing” means different things to different folks, you know the old saying “different strokes for different folks”, and it all depends on who you talk to, what recommendations you’ll get. The general term of network marketing refers to having an up line above you (your sponsors) and a down line (which you sponsor) are those who sign up under you. It has been my experience that the up line which is your sponsors and their sponsors are normally so wrapped up in their own business they have little to no time to help those under them. As you get more and more people in your down line there will be less and less time for you to spend on your own opportunity. We’ll discuss some new directions you may want to consider later in this article.

Building an online business requires an incredible amount of time to learn the process and applying what you learn, to build your own profitable online business. You must be persistent, be regimented with your time and have those around you who are willing to help you and give you the encouragement and motivation you need to keep this whole process going.

What’s supposed to happen in network marketing and what actually happens are two totally different worlds. Most successful online entrepreneurs you’ll talk to will tell you they got started in network marketing. I know I did. I soon learned that there are some who were lucky and had the support they needed to get started off on the right foot and in fact some are making lots of money, however, those individuals are the rare exceptions to the rule in this business.

So what is the answer to this dilemma? Quite simple, build your own business and be in control of your online destiny. You may have affiliates sign up under you, and that’s good, but the minute you get too involved with making other people money and counting on those under you to make you money, your time is gone….and time is definitely money in this business. Your first priority is to make money for yourself and the rest will come later on in your career.

You must set goals and evaluate some boundaries to be sure your dreams are realistic, obtainable and profitable. Any one of these items in your plans that is out of place will squelch any chance of your online success. Don’t rely on someone else dictating to you what you need to do to be successful, especially if that individual hasn’t obtained success themselves.

Many times in network marketing you’re up line is just as green as you are, because they maybe just started the day before you came onboard. They’re promoting you with a dream that someone else has promoted to them. The only way you’re going to succeed in this business is to build a business for yourself and let the rest of this process fall into place at the appropriate time.

You can start out by acquiring a domain, preferably one with some of the keywords about your product or service you’re anticipating to market. Get a hosting account that has adequate bandwidth, unlimited downloads and free email accounts. Acquire a good FTP Client (FileZilla is free) that you’re comfortable with. Now you’re ready to start building your website. If this process seems a bit overwhelming, then seek the help of a professional.

Once you have these basic tools in hand you’re ready to learn how to blend the tools functions into a well designed marketing program. This will be a process that you can use for the rest of your marketing career, once you’ve learned how to market.

You can immediately start you email campaigns promoting your opportunity and incorporate building your list of users for future marketing campaigns. You can start calling your prospects with your follow up program. Proceed from this point as quickly as you want. It’s your business, build it steady and strong, one brick at a time.

Work at your own pace and time frame. You have just become the CEO of your own company. This is an ongoing process, so never put a time frame on your success. The benefits of this learning process will soon start to make a lot of sense, because you are in control and making all the changes necessary in your own marketing system. You don’t have to rely on anyone for anything.

To accomplish this whole scenario, you must be a self starter, committed and above all you must have a “whatever it takes” positive mental attitude. This is not going to happen overnight. There is no quick fix here folks it’s all about knowledge of the process of marketing and building your business one project at a time. Don’t concentrate on building a down line right now and taking your mind off your learning process and future goals. Concentrate on learning how to market and the rest will follow in due time.

When doing your research for a company that will help you, focus on their education process of learning rather than them trying to selling you a worthless product. You’re going to have to spend a little bit of money for programs, but that’s just part of the cost of doing business. We all started right where you are now, so don’t be embarrassed about asking for help. Grab the opportunity and get started in your learning process today.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in this learning process. Call today for your free 30 minute, no obligation consultation.

“Let’s Build Your Business Together”

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Author Bio: Larry L Miller – SEM/SEO Consultant who specializes in promoting clients to “Top Positions on Google” and other leading search engines. Mr. Miller is the promotions director for BLM Traders the leader in Automated Marketing Systems. Private Line: 321-594-4405, Skype: larrylmiller121

Category: Marketing
Keywords: BLM Traders, Larry L Miller, SEM/SEO Consulting,Top Positions with Google,online marketing, marketin

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