Personal Trainer Houston – Simple Weight Loss Mistakes to Avoid

As a Houston Personal Trainer, I have seen tons of people try to get into shape, but fail to do so, simply because they are not doing the right things in order to lose the right kind of weight, that being pure fat. You want to lose pure fat and not muscle. Remember, muscle actually helps you burn more fat. The more muscle you have the more fat you will lose.

I have been a Houston Personal Fitness Trainer for the past 17 years, and I have seen time and time again, people making the same damn mistakes over and over. And it just gets under my skin, seeing these people, many of my own Houston Personal Training clients, doing all the wrong things.

Well, I am here to help you avoid making some of these common weight loss mistakes, and get you to finally lose all your excess weight, tone up your entire body and get into killer shape. I am going to give you 5 great fat-crushing tips, that will have you dropping those unwanted pounds, toning every single muscle in your body, and getting you into rock star shape.

First, you must eat 5 to 6 small, healthy meals per day. This tricks your body, telling it that it is getting constantly fed by it. Your body reponds by speeding up its metabolic rate, allowing you to burn more and more calories, helping you get leaner and leaner. Just be sure to eat clean and raw foods. No processed foods.

Second, you must eat a big and healthy breakfast. Studies have proved that individuals that eat a healthy breakfast are more likey to be lean and fit. And it’s true. Among my Houston Personal Fitness Training clients, those that consistenly eat a large and healthy breakfast, are the ones that are in the best shape. Plus, if you skip breakfast, it just makes it that much easier for you to crave junk food and splurge. So, DON’T SKIP BREAKFAST!

Third, you must exercise. There is no avoiding this one. And remember, I am a Houston Personal Trainer. So, heed my advice. The combination of a balanced, healthy diet, along with an intelligent exercise regimen, will go a long way in getting you into hyper lean and tone shape. And you must lift weights. By lifting weights, you will increase your muscle mass. And the more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism is going to be, thus burning more and more fat. So, start pumping some iron. And ladies, don’t be afraid to lift weights. You won’t become man like or muscle bound. It’s not in your genetics. Many of my female Houston Personal Training clients lift weights and they look drop dead gorgeous. You will too!

Fourth, eat organic foods. Organic foods that are foods that have not been chemically altered in any way by pesticides or pro hormones. It’s all those harmful chemicals in the foods that are making Americans fat. Stay clear of them. That is why Europeans are skinny. They eat natural and organic foods. You should too.

And Fifth, you must eat tons of fiber. Fiber will definately help you shed those extra pounds off. As soon as my Houston Personal Trainer clients started eating more fiber, they noticed their body fat dropping quick. And you will too! Some of the best sources of fiber will come from your vegetables, such as broccoli, asparagus, spinach, romaine lettuce, etc. Try to eat a wide assortment of vegetables. Plus, you will feel so much healthier and better.

If you follow these 5 tips, I promise you that you will notice your body shedding those extra pounds and getting much leaner. Take it from the top Personal Trainer in Houston Texas.

Author Bio: Once you discover the best Personal Trainer Houston program, you will shed mounds of fat. Be sure to choose the right Houston Personal Training program to get the best results.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Houston Personal Trainer, Houston Personal Trainer, Houston Fitness Trainer, Houston Fitness Trainin

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