Revealed! Important Information About Vasectomy Reversal

Are you considering vasectomy reversal? Have you changed your mind about fathering children in future after getting a vasectomy done a few years ago? There may be several reasons for the change of heart from a divorce to the death of a child or simply a change in the economic status of the family. Fortunately, excellence and the immense progress in medical science have now made it possible to reverse a vasectomy with a microsurgical procedure. The surgery has a very high success rate.

If you are looking for a long term, hassle free and permanent form of contraception; then you needn’t look beyond vasectomy. The procedure is usually conducted when a couple is quite sure about their decisions to not want children in future. However, almost 5% of the men who opt for the procedure change their mind in due course for one of several reasons such a remarriage, the demise of a child, improvement in the financial condition of the family or simply the desire to experience the euphoria of becoming a father. Two decades ago, it would be simply impossible to reverse a vasectomy but today it is possible and the procedure has enriched the lives of many men.

Like all other surgical procedures, there are certain risks associated with vasectomy reversal as well besides the procedure does not come cheap to add to the issue, your insurance company will not pick up the tab for the surgery which means you will have to dole out money from your own coffers which may pose another problem. Given all these issues, you will do yourself a favor if you thoroughly research vasectomy reversal instead of jumping the gun and lying on the operating table.

One of the most common techniques used for vasectomy reversal is known as vasovasostomy; this is one of the more common surgical procedures used for the purpose; it involved joining the two ends of the vas deferens to create an unhindered passage for the sperms to flow from the epididymis to the prostrate glands. However, this procedure is only possible if vasectomy has been conducted less than three years before the reversal surgery. If more than ten years have lapsed since you got the vasectomy done, there may be certain internal complication that will render vasovasostomy futile. In such a case, another procedure called vasoepididymostomy is conducted. The procedures can be performed under the influence of epidural or general anesthesia. It is generally an outpatient procedure so you can go back home the same day.

The success of the procedure primarily depends on the selection of the surgeon The doctor’s skills, expertise and relevant experience will go a long way so it is recommended that you choose a surgeon who has quite a bit of experience in conducting similar microsurgical procedures to get the best results.

The reversal procedure is conducted in three steps; the first step involves the examination of the scortum; often this can give the doctor leads into the type of surgery that may be required for the patient. The next step of the procedure s to ascertain that sperms are still being produced in the body and that they are viable. To examine this, a drop of fluid is removed from the testicles and examined. The surgery is only performed if the sperms are found t be relatively healthy. The third step is of course teh actual surgery, you will be asked to come in an hour or two early so that you can get enough time to ask any questions that you may have. The surgery takes two to three hours to be completed and you can resume your normal activities after a month.

The cost of the procedure can vary from clinic to clinic and among various places; however, the surgery can cost upwards of $10,000. Several clinics offer easy payment plans so that men who want to get a vasectomy reversal do not have to stop themselves because they don’t have the funds needed for the surgery.

Author Bio: Seomul Evans is a Internet Marketing consultant for Vasectomy Reversal and a contributor for a leading blog about Vasectomy Reversal blog.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Health, Medical, Vasectomy, Vasectomy Reversal, Infertility

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