Revealed! Information About The Quality And Volume Of Sperms After Vasectomy Reversal

Au contraire to what most people believe, your body continues to produce sperms even after a vasectomy, the procedure simply occludes the flow of sperms to the urogenital opening so that they are not ejaculated out of the body during orgasm. This done by severing the tube like structure known as vas deferens that is responsible for carrying the sperms from the testicles to the prostrate glands from where they are sent out with the semen.

After a vasectomy, the sperm build up inside the testicles lead to pressure build up, which in turn may blow out the epididymis and cause blockages and the growth of scar tissue both of which can create an obstruction at the site of the original surgery. These blockages have to be carefully treated during the reversal procedure so the vasectomy reversal surgery is a success and leads to pregnancy.

The preferred form of vasectomy reversal is a procedure known as vasovasostomy in which the surgeon attempts to join the two ends of the vas deferens. The tube is as thin as spaghetti and so the surgery has to be conducted under a high powered microscope and by an experienced surgeon who can handle such intricate procedures. There is certainly no room for errors in a vasectomy reversal surgery and any botches can greatly mar your chances of having children naturally

It usually takes eight months to a year for the normal flow of healthy sperms to resume; however, if no healthy or motile sperms are observed in the seen even after that much time, your vasectomy reversal may not have been successful and you will need to start looking for alternatives such as artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization. Going in for second vasectomy reversal is also an option; though it may not do too much good; however, it will be cheaper than the other two fertility treatments.

A vasectomy reversal procedure is deemed successful when natural conception is achieved after the surgery so the doctor will usually ask you t get the first semen analysis done one to two months after the surgery and similar tests will follow in the months to come so that the presence of sperms, their volume and their health. The tests will continue till normal sperms are observed. If a vasoepididymostomy has been performed instead of a vasovasostomy; you may have to wait a little longer to hear about normal sperm flow; after such a procedure it may take 4 to 6 months to observe normal sperm count.

The doctors will usually advise you to wait for at least one year after the reversal procedure because there have been cases when couples have got pregnant years after the surgery so it is essential to wait for a year before considering other fertility options. In some cases sperms are observed only a month after the surgery; however the sperm count may remain low for a few months and even the quality of the sperms may be degraded. If this continues well after the surgery; it can be concluded that the surgery was not conducted correctly and the flow of sperms is still being restricted leading to infertile sperms and you may not have a very bright chances of conceiving naturally with such poor quality sperms.

In 10% men despite a successful reversal surgery, issues arise two to four years after e surgery. The sperm count and quality deteriorates; this happens because of scar tissue formation in the area where the reversal surgery was performed leading to sperm leakage. The chances of such an issue arising are higher in men who have had vasoepididymostomy and almost 20% of men who go through this form of vasectomy reversal surgery are known to be afflicted by the issue. Even though the success rate of vasectomy reversal are very bright; there is always a possibility of failure so it is essential to consider sperm banking especially if you have undergone a vasoepididymostomy so that you can father a child biologically even if the reversal surgery fails.

Author Bio: Seomul Evans is a Internet Marketing Company consultant for Vasectomy Reversal and a contributor for a leading Vasectomy Reversal blog.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Health, Medical, Vasectomy, Vasectomy Reversal, Infertility

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