Shattering the #1 Myth in Internet Marketing: Quick Easy Money

Fact: 97% of people who start an Internet Marketing business fail! This fact is not hype, but a generally recognized statistic throughout the Internet Marketing business community. So if only 3% or only 3 out of every 100 people make enough money to maintain an online business, then why do millions of people keep trying? Simple! They have been fooled into believing the #1 Myth in Internet Marketing which is you can make lots of money, quickly and easily. In this article you will discover the real truth and how you can drastically change the odds of success in your favor and perhaps join the elite 3% who are making serious money online.

So why do so many people get fooled into believing Internet Marketing is a “cash cow”? Perhaps due to all the hype we see and hear about how ordinary people, down on their luck, who suddenly discover a system or method that generates large sums of money, quickly and easily while working from home. Guess where all the hype is coming from? The online marketers who are creating these “get rich quick” schemes and products and selling them to you and I. Certainly there is money to be made in Internet Marketing, but sadly only the elite 3% are making most of it and their profit is from doing a great job of selling and promoting the #1 myth associated with IM, namely “quick and easy money” to the remaining 97% of us!

So how does this happen? Everyone who has ever been involved with Internet Marketing has their own unique story as to how they got started. Here is a typical chain of events that many of you will probably relate to:

Phase 1 “Buying Into The Myth”

Generally this usually begins with a friend, relative or perhaps job colleague telling them a story about someone they know, or read about, that is making a ton of money since they started their own online business. Best of all, you are your own boss, work from home, and all you really need is a computer, internet connection, and some basic knowledge of how to create a website. Throw up a website, find a product to sell, either one that you created or someone else’s and get paid a commission on all your sales (called affiliate marketing) and then “presto”, in a short time the money will start rolling in. No more bills, new car, new house, exotic vacations and let the good times roll! (NOT! Sorry getting ahead of myself here.)

Phase 2 “Info Overload”

Typically the inexperienced marketer takes on a “sponge” mentality, and is determined to quickly learn everything there is to know about how to make money online. Never dreaming that there are thousands of articles, reports, ebooks (downloadable books), blogs, websites, podcasts, webinars and more that are focused around making money online. Before long your e-mail is full of e-mail messages from people you have never met, all promising to reveal to you the “secrets” of making money online in exchange for your name and e-mail address. Although you don’t realize it at the time, this is a thing called “list building” which as you will later learn, is essential to making money online. At this point in time all you know is that this is FREE and so you subscribe to one marketers list after another. Before long your head is swirling with all this information, some of it good, some bad, but all claiming to be the answer to your money making dreams. You go to bed at night with terms such as “SEO”, “PPC”, “CPA”, Adwords, Adsense, Traffic, Tracking, Blogging, etc, all dancing around in your mind. Welcome to “Information Overload”! So much information that you do not know where to start!

Phase 3 “All That Glitters Is Not Gold”

This phase usually starts to cost you serious money! By this time you are so stressed out over how much there is to learn that you are willing to consider most any quick and easy method to become successful. Enter the “get rich quick schemes”. Remember all that so called “free” material you received in Phase 2 in exchange for your name and e-mail address. Well it really wasn’t! This is a very common marketing technique used by most successful Internet Marketers to get you on their customer list. Now they can e-mail you with product offers, sometimes their own products, but most often other online marketers products that they get a commission on if you purchase the product using the web link they conveniently provide. Click the link and you are sent to a promotional page or sales letter page that tries to convince you in a multitude of ways that you MUST have this product if you are SERIOUS about making money online. By this time you are probably so fed up and frustrated by your inability to make money as quick and easy as what you were led to believe (the myth), that out comes the credit card. Before long yet another message arrives about a NEW launch of a product that will take the Internet business community by storm and make you rich in a few weeks or months. “Ching-Ching” … guess who bought another product! In no time at all, you are jumping from one “deal” to another as each one looks better than the last. This lack of focus and desperation buying ends up costing you mega money and hours and hours of wasted time, with little if any money made in return.

Phase 4 “End Of The Dream”

To reach this point may take weeks, months or even years, depending upon how much money you are willing to throw at your failing Internet Marketing business. The cost may be in the hundreds or even thousands of dollars and all you have to show for it are countless hours spent sitting in front of your computer, a hard drive or book case full of information, and collections of “get rich quick” products that just never seemed to live up to the great promotional advertisements you read before you bought them. If you are really lucky, then perhaps a few hundred dollars in profit which is rather insignificant given all the time and money you spent to make this small profit. Congratulations, you have now joined the 97% statistic of marketers who failed to create a successful online business. At this point you may even bitterly announce to all that Internet Marketing doesn’t work, is a scam, or that all successful marketers must be crooks!

But Wait! REWIND to the beginning! How come 3% of the people who develop an online business are successful? What did most of them know or do, that you didn’t? Have you ever hear the saying “People Don’t Plan To Fail, They Simply Fail To Plan”? This simple quote contains the key to becoming successful in an online business. You MUST have a solid plan of action from the very beginning or find someone who is already very successful as an online marketer (that you feel is sincere and trustworthy) and be prepared to learn from them, copy their successful strategies and techniques, and in the process avoid mistakes that could cost you both time and money. Now this information and help will probably not be FREE, but it WILL more than pay for itself in the end when thanks to this training and support you can join the elite ranks of the 3% of Internet Marketers who are actually making serious money from their online business efforts.

Author Bio: Do you want to be in the 3% or the 97% group of online marketers? Do it RIGHT the first time or REWIND and build your Internet Marketing business correctly this time! Take your first step to YOUR future online success by clicking … 3% For Me … and get INSPIRED and REWARDED (2 FREE gifts) instantly!

Category: Marketing
Keywords: internet marketing,online marketing,make money online,internet business,easy money

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