Should You Use Video Squeeze Pages in Online Marketing?

Is it really worth it to switch from standard text squeeze pages to video squeeze pages? With consumers being bombarded more and more frequently with hype and blaring advertisements, internet marketers are very interested in doing whatever they can to get their target markets’ attention. A video squeeze page is one tool that can help do this.

According to recent studies, professionally created product descriptions on video are much more effective in attracting and keeping visitors than the standard text page. A video grabs visitors’ attention right from the moment that he or she accesses the page, and even if he is not actively reading the text. In addition, it is easier to understand concepts when someone is explaining something in a video or demonstrating it in a video tutorial.

The video can go beyond its use in the actual video squeeze pages. You can make your offer on the squeeze page within the video, and then offer a second informational video as a bonus. Or, you can show the first part of an informative video and then invite your visitors to fill in their contact information to get the rest of the story. Obviously, this will only work if the content in your video is compelling and/or useful enough for the viewer to want to continue.

A video conveys way more than just simple text. It gives the viewers a 3-dimensional idea, rather than just written words, and this instills trust. This also starts establishing a relationship right away, not after the person has filled in his or her contact details.

You’ll see that some internet marketers actually use several videos on their pages. One may be an introduction to the person who is offering the product or service. The second may be the product or service itself. And then these may be followed by one or more video testimonials. The possibilities with videos are endless.

Except for the video, the squeeze page will have the same elements as a standard text squeeze page: a compelling heading, bullet points, testimonial, an offer that hopefully your visitors can’t refuse, and, of course, the opt-in form that visitors will enter their contact details into.

Keep in mind that professional video creation requires skill, time, and experience. But you can hire someone who has all of these qualities to do your video squeeze pages for you if you are willing and able to invest in this. You can also try the many squeeze page templates that also offer video versions. While these are a good way to start, many would recommend that it is well worth it to put in the time and effort in a customized squeeze page right from the start. It will get better results and save you from having to re-do everything if you are not achieving your goals with standard templates that many beginning marketers use.

Video is really becoming an industry standard in terms of communicating with your audience, especially an online audience. People like watching videos online instead of reading text so make sure to take full advantage in your own business.

Author Bio: Get more marketing tips with the underground traffic blueprints site at

Category: Marketing
Keywords: traffic, web traffic, increase traffic

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