Silencing Your Inner Critic

Have you heard the term inner critic before? Don’t you know that it has something to do with you when it comes into writing?

Even in any other activities that you have in life, when inner critics overrules you, then you’ll most likely fail to the task that you are currently doing.

Same goes to writing. Every writers will extremely feel grateful if their creativity in writing starts working. This way, you will see how much work finish when you are in the mood for writing. Most of all, it is also a great thing to consider since you will absolutely write a better content with great quality and perspective about the topic.

That can be so much great since your creativity starts working on. However, there are instances where you doubt yourself on doing the right things. Just like having negative advices deep within you that says you can’t do it and you just feel you can’t. Does it feels like discouraging your own self just like what your mind is whispering you?

The culprit is your inner critics. That its role when you are up to something that you really think you can do it but there’s this inner voice in your mind that stops you from your plans.

The inner critic can be an especially distracting force in your writing. Can you imagine someone looking over your shoulder the whole time you’re trying to write? Worse, they’re not only looking – they’re calling you names, questioning every sentence you put down and attacking your work.

If you let the inner critic run rampant, you can end up with plenty of self-doubt. You begin to question the quality of your writing and, if you let it get to you, can break down your creativity altogether. Suffice to say, you need to keep the inner critic in check. How do you do it?

-Let it slide. Just keep writing, regardless of what your inner critic is saying. Beginning to think that your writing is bad? Just keep typing. Starting to doubt the strength of your ideas? Keep plugging along. Just because it’s there doesn’t mean you have to listen to it, right?

-Quiet your mind. Try one of the many techniques to quiet your mind, such as meditation, deep breathing and various relaxation strategies. If you can silence the critic, then you can work in peace.

-Write from the heart. Getting emotionally involved such that you’re pouring your heart during the process, can lead you to turn a deaf ear to anything the critic has to say. More importantly, it gets you writing in a peak state – one that can turn out amazing work.

-Save it for later. The critical mind actually has a function in writing – to help you discover flaws in your work so that you may improve it. When you’re drafting and the inner critic is sounding off, tell it to save its comments for later. It can be very helpful (if you take its feedback constructively), the same way that your complete writing software is, during the revision process.

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Category: Writing
Keywords: inner critic, self-doubt

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