Steps For An Easy And Smooth Move This Summer

Moving to a new home seems to be a love/hate relationship. For most, there is an excitement of moving; the thrill of something new. But I’ve noticed that once the excitement wears off, you are left with the overwhelming realization of all the chores that lie ahead: the packing, the unpacking, the actual move! After just going through a move myself, I know how crazy it can be. So to help with this daunting task, here are 10 steps to follow for a smoother move this summer.

Step #1: Notify Business You’re Moving Ahead of Time
Key places to notify would be government offices and anywhere you have personal accounts. A friendly tip would be to write these places down in a list and cross them off as you go because it’s easy to lose track. Also, I would recommend doing this four to six weeks before you move. Here are some places to start from:

Personal Accounts
* Work
* Gym
* Bank
* Credit card companies
* Doctor(s)/Dentist

Government Offices
* Department of Motor Vehicles
* Social Security Administration

Step #2: Disconnect Your Current Utilities
You definitely don’t want to be paying for someone else’s utility bills, so be sure to disconnect the utilities to your current home. Try to arrange for the utilities to be kept in service through your moving day. Here is a list of possible utilities to disconnect:

* Electricity
* Gas
* Water/Sewer
* Trash
* Telephone
* Cable/Satellite
* Internet Service Providers
* Alarm company

Step #3: Home Connections
This is also something that is better to do ahead of time so things like electricity, gas and water can be used on moving day. Bounce Energy, a Texas electricity provider, has partnered with Digital Landing to make this easy on you. There you can set up your new service, compare providers and more without wasting time being on hold on your telephone. I cannot tell you how much time and how many cell phone minutes I wasted comparing prices from different companies before I found out about Digital Landing. It would have been so much easier and cheaper to be able to find and compare companies online and at one time.

Step #4: Find Moving Quotes
Let’s face it; there are a million different moving companies out there. How do you know which ones to trust? You can go by word of mouth which is helpful, but you don’t always know if you’re getting the best price. Well, once again, Bounce Energy is making it easy on you. They have a site where you can get moving quotes from certified, insured and professional movers just by filling out a short form. They have teamed up with to provide quotes from moving companies who are insured and licensed and are committed to superior customer service.

Step #5: Moving Check List
This comes in handy if you’d like to organize the steps above. A moving check list does just that, it will help you stay organized and guide you through the move by providing something tangible that you can actually print and check off. Bounce Energy has made a moving checklist that you can download and print.

Step #6: Get Organized
Now that you are ready to start packing, the next thing to do is to get organized. The best way to do this is to create a record keeping list. It may sound like a hassle, but believe me once everything is packed and you have no idea where anything is, it will come in handy. So for each box you pack, record the number for each box and the items inside. A friendly warning, be sure to write the number on the box as well or else you’ve defeated the process. You can track this information in a spiral notebook or on an Excel spreadsheet. Personal note: it may be easier to keep track on Excel that way it’s saved to the computer and probably harder to lose in the move.

Step #7: Color Coordinate
This is something that was very helpful during my move. The idea is to color coordinate your boxes according to the room to which it belongs. Designate a different color for each room or area in the new home. For example, all blue stickers belong in the kitchen. Once in the new house and before the movers arrive, put a matching sticker on the door to each room. This will help the movers know which room is which. I would recommend applying the stickers on the boxes while you are packing. It is easier than trying to navigate through the tower of boxes that have accumulated once you are done.

Step #8: Pack a Suitcase/Box of Essentials
Since it will more than likely take you a few days to get the majority of boxes unpacked, it is helpful to pack a suitcase or box of essentials. I recommend using a suitcase because you have to move it anyway and in the end, it’s one less box you have to discard. Pack the first suitcase with personal items that you use on a daily basis. For example, toiletries, medicines, undergarments, a change of clothes, towels and sheets. Pack the second with household items that you may need on day one such as toilet paper, a telephone (assuming it was connected beforehand), cell phone charger, paper plates, cups, paper towels, and cleaning supplies. Also, if there are multiple members in the household, save a suitcase for each person so they can fill it with their necessities.

Step #9: Move Certain Fragile/Valuable Items Yourself
The thought is if it’s irreplaceable, then handle it yourself, and don’t take a chance with the movers. Consider valuable possessions such as framed photos, art, silverware or antiques. One thing to note, if you are packing framed pictures or art be sure to place sheets or blankets in between them for protection. In addition to the valuables, take any legal documents or important papers with you. These items might include birth certificates, social security card, school records, recent bank records, current bills, etc., basically anything with personal information on it.

Step #10: Last Minute Details
I always get in trouble with the last minute details so I thought these were important to include. First thing is to leave your phone or cell phone plugged in all day during the move; you never know when you’ll need it. Second, once everything is packed, be sure to make a round throughout the house to check for anything left behind. Good places to check are closets, drawers and cabinets. Here are few additional details to check:

* Furnace and A/C shut off
* All utilities arranged to be disconnected
* Windows shut and locked
* Light switches all turned off

Moving may not be the most fun thing to do, but with some planning, organization and with the help and guidance of the Bounce Energy Move Center at your fingertips, your moving process should be more manageable and best of all less stressful.

Author Bio: Brooke Drake is a writer for Bounce Energy. Bounce Energy is a Texas Electric Company based in Houston. Bounce Energy’s goal is provide more than low Texas Electric Rates to our customers. With innovative and flexible plans, excellent customer service, and superior customer rewards, Bounce Energy offers a unique approach to Texas electricity.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: moving, summer, summer move, relocation, tips, moving tips, moving quotes, moving trucks

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