The Effectiveness of Subliminal Advertising

Before we begin to analyze the effectiveness of subliminal advertising, we need to direct our attention to what subliminal advertising actually is. Subliminal advertising is a composition of very carefully chosen words which are designed to grab hold of our attention for an extremely short span of time. While the conscious mind is not totally focused upon the message, the subconscious mind automatically goes into a ‘collect and process’ mode. It is something like the old concept ‘monkey see, monkey do’. What the eye sees, the brain responds to it and passes it down to the subconscious where ‘monkey do’ registers. Since the conscious mind always operates in the state of awareness, we fail to realize how easily this happens.

We are constantly bombarded with subliminal advertising though our waking hours. For the most of us, the main source of this is television advertising. Most of the time these messages are extremely brief in content, which is intentional on the part of the advertiser. If the message is delivered fast enough, though the eye sees it, the conscious mind does not totally focus on it but the subconscious mind immediately receives and instantly processes it.
For example, most of us have seen the Target Company logo which is a red bull’s eye. Stopping to analyze this simple icon and the color of it is amazing in itself. Bull fighters in an arena use a red cloth to attract the bull’s attention and obtain the desired reaction. The target shape is easily equated to a shooting practice since this is the image at which one aims a weapon. After a short period of time, the advertiser no longer needs to use words but can simply flash the image on screen since the subconscious mind has already stored the message in the memory bank to the point that the mere sight of the icon itself will cause the message associated with it to be recalled.

Subliminal advertising is used in an even more subtle way during sporting events. Product placement plays a large part in how easily and effectively subliminal advertising can happen. For example during a visit to a NASCAR racing location, the entrance for the public is decorated with banners of various sizes, shapes and coloration designed to attract our attention. While the conscious mind is in a state of excitement and anticipation about the race, the subconscious is busy registering every banner the eye sees as we move around. Most people or fans in attendance have a particular driver and race car upon which they will attempt to focus their entire undivided attention on.

The thing is we don’t stop to realize that while each race car has a number placed on at least two to three places on the car’s surface, there are also various logos for sponsors on each particular car. During the race, the conscious mind is so busy thinking about and registering the movement of all the cars or perhaps one particular car as it interacts with the others, we don’t recognize that the subconscious mind is very busy as well. Not only is the subconscious tapping into the memory bank and allowing us to distinguish and differentiate between different logos and symbols, but it is also flashing the message content associated with each one which proves the effectiveness of subliminal advertising.

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Category: Self Help
Keywords: subliminal advertising,conscious mind,subconscious mind,memory bank

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