The Most Popular Paintball Games

When it comes to paintball there are an endless amount of different games that can be played. There are games that depend on the number of players, the type of field and the type of equipment that the players are using. Here are some of the most popular paintball games, their rules and how to win:


This game requires a group of people to be split into two teams. Flip a coin to see what team will send a player into the woods. After the player from one team is selected, that player will go without a gun into the woods and try to hide. Both teams enter the woods and try to find the one person, the one team is trying to protect him and the other is trying to kill him. If the one person is shot before his team gets him back to safety then the other team wins. If the person is brought back to safety without being shot then his team wins.


This game requires making multiple random lists of all the players’ names. Mix these lists up in a hat and have each player draw one. Players must go down the list and kill people in that order. If a player comes to his own name he must skip it. Once you are hit you are dead. The last man left standing is the winner.


This game is similar to the evasion game mentioned previously. One man is picked to be the terminator and he is assigned a couple of body guards. A target must be made on the terminator. If this target is hit at any point during the game the opposing team wins. The terminator has no gun but his bodyguards do. If any of the ambushing team is hit then they are dead. If any bodyguard is hit then they are instantly dead as well. The opposing team only wins if the terminator is hit on his target before reaching a safe zone.

Old War

This is a very simple yet addicting game. Each team lines up and faces the other team’s line. The greater the distance between the two lines means the greater the difficulty. At the sound of a whistle both teams begin shooting at each other without moving. Once a person is shot they are dead and must fall down. The team that has the last man standing is the winner.

Center Flag

This game requires strategy and sacrifice. To begin the game there will need to be two teams. Each team will need to determine where their base is. A flag is placed in the center of the field. The objective is to capture the flag and get it back to your team’s base before getting shot. Once a player is shot they are eliminated from the game. If a person carrying the flag is shot then the shooter is able to go and pick up the flag.

These are just a few varieties of paintball games. There are many more out there. Sometimes it is more fun to make up your own game!

Author Bio: Layne Emerson regularly writes for, they carry such paintball equipment as a Paintball Gear and the Invert Mini, as well as many other items from a variety of manufacturers.

Category: Recreation
Keywords: Paintball Gear,Invert Mini

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