The Skills and Training You Need to Become a Fire Investigator

Becoming a fire investigator is a huge undertaking. When you take on this job, you are essentially taking on about ten other jobs, and you need to make sure that you can handle those jobs. You will need to travel to many different sites and investigate several different fires.

Not only do you need to look at the damage, you also need to determine exactly how it happened. That’s right, you need to examine the fire damage, and you need to figure out how it started, where it started, and whether or not there was any foul play.

Oftentimes you will have to do this without any backup staff. You will need to collect your own evidence, you will need to do follow up investigations, and you will need to provide testimony in court. This is the job of a fire investigator, and if you are lazy, you might want to consider an entirely different career choice.

If you are still interested, then you probably want to know exactly how you would go about getting a job of this nature. There are a few skills and steps that you will need to take in order to qualify. So, let’s talk a bit about those qualifications. Perhaps when we are done, you will have a better idea of what you need to do:

1. Make sure you have knowledge of electrical systems. It can be difficult to ascertain the exact origin of any fire if you do not have electrical knowledge. That being said, there are a number of different electrical related courses you could take, and you might even pursue a degree in electrical engineering.

2. Structural and Mechanical engineering are yet another course you could take. When you are looking at the scene of a fire, being able to reconstruct the scene and imagine how it might have worked before the destruction will help you greatly in determining exactly what happened.

3. Knowledge of building materials and construction protocol will without a doubt help you quite a bit. You need to know how a house should be built, and you need to know if there is anything out of place, or anything that could have caused the fire.

Before you can become a fire investigator, you will need to enroll in a firefighting program at a community college, but beyond that, you will need to attend a fire training academy. When you graduate, you will want to make sure you do so with good grades, and fairly decent references. This will help you greatly in attaining a job after school.

Those who find themselves in good fire investigator positions have gone through all the hoops known as education. It is not going to be easy by any means, but at the very least you will land a good job that will last for a very long time. So get started, find out what you need to do, and work your way into that dream career. Your next step is to visit websites that cover this career in more detail.

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Author Bio: Copywrite Kenneth Echie. Kenneth is a writer, expert author, and publisher. He currently writes for Criminal Justice Degrees. Get free scholarship report and learn to Become Fire Investigator by visiting. Affiliated website: Make Extra Money

Category: Career
Keywords: Fire Investigator,Become Fire Investigator,Fire Investigator Career,Fire Investigator Job

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