Understanding the Bond Between Children and Canines

Dog breeders, professional trainers, and parents agree that canines offer a uniquely rewarding experience for young children. Dogs provide an easygoing companionship that seems ideally suited to a child’s happy-go-lucky nature. They offer friendship and loyalty, both of which are traits that fit seamlessly into a child’s perspective of the world around him. In most cases, a child and his pooch grow to become lifelong friends. But it is important to recognize potential areas of conflict so you can prevent confrontations that may result in injury.

We’ll take a closer look at this issue below. We’ll describe some of the factors involved with selecting a canine that offers a good fit for your son or daughter.

Selecting A Dog That Suits Your Child

The type of canine you adopt for your family is important. Some breeds are large and aggressive, and thus should be avoided, especially if your son or daughter is under seven years of age. Other breeds are large and relatively calm. They can make good companions as long as they’re mindful of your child and will avoid knocking him or her over.

Some breeds are small and anxious; they’re excitable and bark incessantly. They rarely make good companions for young kids, who will tire quickly of their frenetic behavior.

Another important consideration is that kids seldom have the attention span, diligence, or ability to train dogs effectively. If you intend to adopt one for your family, plan to enroll him into training classes.

Introducing A New Pet To Your Children

When you bring a new puppy or dog home for the first time, give him space to grow accustomed to his new environment. Instruct your children to avoid playing with him for a few days until he becomes comfortable. Otherwise, the constant attention combined with his new surroundings may overwhelm him, and cause him to react aggressively.

It’s also important that you discuss with your children their responsibility for taking care of their new pet. Ultimately, accountability for your canine’s health and well-being rests with you. But this is an ideal opportunity to talk to your kids about the rules of being a responsible owner.

Because young children have limited exposure to canines (prior to owning one), they need to be taught how to behave around them. It’s important to gather your new dog and your kids together to establish your children as higher in the pack hierarchy than your pet. This prevents confrontations down the road. Moreover, it provides a good opportunity for your kids to observe your interaction with the dog.

Canines And Children: Establishing Authority

As a pack animal, a dog’s behaviors are closely linked to how he perceive his position – and the positions of others – within the hierarchy. This is the reason is it critical for owners to establish themselves as the pack leader. When there is doubt in the pet’s mind about who occupies the leadership role, a challenge is often the result. This can lead to issues related to dominance and even aggression.

In your family, your canine will consider himself lower in the chain of authority than you and your spouse. There is no uncertainty regarding his place in the pack hierarchy. When young children are involved, however, the chain of authority becomes muddied. Your dog may consider himself higher in the chain than your children. This can create problems if the uncertainty in your pet’s mind is left unaddressed.

First, supervise the interaction between your kids and your canine. If you notice the seeds of a potential confrontation – for example, your dog starts growling at your child – step in and intervene.

Second, take every opportunity to establish the authority of your children in your dog’s mind. This can be done by encouraging your son or daughter to train him in your presence, making him earn treats by complying with commands.

The bond between children and canines is a natural one. However, it must be carefully managed and nurtured in order to prevent behavior problems, and worse, down the road.

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Category: Pets
Keywords: pets, dogs, dog chews, dog treats, dog behavior,dog treats, dog chews, dog bones

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