Weight Loss: Common Questions

Weight loss can be a really painstakingly slow process. You have to eat healthy and give up your food-cravings. You also have to work out like there’s no tomorrow (almost!) and enjoy it too. But most annoyingly you have to wait for changes to occur! It might sound like a cliche, but the reality is that you cannot expect overnight reduction in weight despite your best efforts in the right direction. However, knowing some facts about weight loss can make you less impatient and help you lose weight more effectively.

Here are the answers to some pertinent questions that may bother you a lot while you are trying to lose weight.

1. How soon can you start losing weight?

When you start losing calories at the rate of 500 or more each day, you can and will start losing weight. This is of course only possible when you stick to your diet and exercise program. Other than this, don’t be distracted by uncontrollable factors, such as genetics, age, gender etc, which affect how fast you lose weight.

Don’t rely solely on the scales. Getting your body fat tested is also a way knowing whether you are progressing in training.

Focus on the immediate benefits which you are getting. Try to motivate yourself with such positives as increase in stamina and strength, and weight loss will not seem too far away!

2. How can you lose fat from thighs and stomach?

You might be really frustrated if you are losing weight but your thighs still seem like tree-trunks and your have draw your breath for tucking-in your shirt! If so, you should know that you cannot sculpt your abs or thighs by doing spot-training. So, focusing on crunches and leg lifts is of no use, unless you go for a complete-body workout.

Carrying on with the above point, you should lose body fat in order to slim down. So, go for cardio and weight training for that total-body work out. Even so, you must accept the fact that your body decides where to lose fat from, not you!

3. Why have you stopped losing weight?

If you have been working out hard for a long time, you might enter a phase when no real progress (in terms of weight-loss) is visible. This is a plateau and happens to most people who do the same exercises over a long period of time. So you need not worry and can instead try to increase the intensity with which you exercise. Add more sets, more reps or try a greater amount of resistance.

Try new equipment or exercises to draw your body out of the comfort zone.

Work out harder, if you can afford the time. But make sure that you are not overtraining.

A fitness trainer can also help you tide over the frustrations of losing weight. By being a constant presence by your side, he can direct and motivate you towards your goal of losing weight. And being an expert in fitness, he might have the perfect exercise plan for you!

Author Bio: For more information on weight loss check out this popular Markham fitness bootcamp. Other common personal training questions can be found answered by these personal trainers in Washington DC.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: interval training, fitness training, exercise, workout, get in shape, how to exercise,how to workout

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