What is Gout and How to Treat It?

In simple terms gout can be described as an arthritis that scratches the joint parts. The prevalence of gout is increasing rapidly and according to a survey conducted, gout has made more than 5 million Americans as its victim.

Gout is a disease which is caused an abnormal metabolism of uric acid in the body. Individuals with gout either produce excess amount of uric acid or their bodies face hurdles in removing it. The excess of uric acid leads to formation of tiny crystals of urate that deposit in the tissues of the body and especially joints. As crystal forms accumulate in the joints, they give way to frequent attacks of joint inflammation which is nothing but arthritis. Build up of uric acid in the body also gives way to kidney stones, joint destruction, chronic gouty arthritis, and local deposits of uric acid in skin and varied tissues.

Some of the other causes that may lead to gout are:

-Lack of physical exercise

-Kidney failure


-Mental strain


-High blood pressure

-Foods rich in carbohydrates and proteins

-Excessive intake of alcohol

-Heredity factors

-Certain foods such as mushrooms, asparagus, herring, anchovies, organic meats etc.

The very first symptom of gout is generally the onset of red, hot and swollen joint. Any joint can be involved but most commonly it is the joint at the base of the big toe. This may be clubbed with intense joint pain, tenderness in the joints, inflammation around the joints, purple reddish skin around the joints, fever, lack of sleep, loss of appetite, dehydration.

There are two basic elements in the treatment of gout. Firstly it’s very vital to stop the acute inflammation of joints which are affected by gout and secondly the disease should be encountered with a long term management so that the future attacks are minimized. Some of the common preventive measures which can be adopted along with the medication process of lowering the uric acid in the blood are – dietary changes, weight reduction, adequate fluid intake, reduction in alcohol consumption.

Dietary changes have a strong bearing and help to reduce the uric acid levels in the blood. Uric acid is generally formed by purine chemicals; therefore purine rich food should be avoided. Some of the food items which are rich in purine are organs meats like kidney, liver, brain and sweetbreads and shellfish. On the other hand it is believed that consumption of dairy products helps in the reduction of the disease and its attacks. Along with dietary changes individuals should also try and introduce aerobic exercise program in their lifestyle as aids the treatment process.

Some other self care tips to reduce the symptoms or risks of gout:

-When the joint is swollen and hot, cane stick or similar support should be used to keep the weight of the joint.

-Ice packs are very helpful in reducing the inflammation and relieving the pain.

-Maintaining adequate hydration is also a important measure in reducing the attacks.

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Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Gout, uric acid, metabolism, health, sickness, treatments, wellness.

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