Which Search Engine Marketing Method Has The Quickest Results?

Did you know that you could have your first internet sale in less than 30 minutes when using this method? It is, unfortunately, a very under utilised method. The reason for this low level of use is that if you do not know what you are doing it can cost you a fortune for very little return. Most people that have used it have done so with very little if any education about it and have thrown away a lot of money with no results and hence now do not use it anymore.

Using Google AdWords Campaigns is the fastest method to attract qualified traffic to your website. If you have set up your Campaign correctly and your ad is approved (usually in 15-30 minutes) you can see your ad on the internet and have clients click on it so they are taken to your website very quickly.

What is qualified traffic you might ask? Imagine that you are selling carpet, you write your ad and use the word carpet throughout. Anybody reading your ad will know that you are selling Carpet meaning that anybody that is looking for floorboards would not click on your ad. This means that the only people that would be clicking on your ad are the ones looking for Carpet. This makes them Qualified traffic, which is the only traffic you want to your site.

You can refine this even more but using “Long Tail” keyphrases. What is a long tail you might ask? Normally when someone refers to a Long Tail they are talking about a number of keywords placed together such as “woollen carpet runner”. Here the only client that would click on your ad would be people that are not only looking for carpet but red carpet runners. Using long tails will mean less traffic as you are narrowing the field but they will be more determined to buy as the search they have entered is more specific.

Have you also figured out what else you are doing by using a Long Tail? You are virtually hiring another worker! Let me explain. Where you to use the word “Carpet” only, you would get people calling you about all sorts of different shapes and colours and materials for the specific carpet that they are looking for. Now if you only have “Red Carpet Runner” you would waste a lot of time telling them that you do not have Blue, Green or any other colour except Red. This is a lot of wasted time for you. Now were you to use the Long Tail and state that you only have Red Carpet Runners you would not get all of these time wasting calls. Meaning it is like having another staff member to help you.

Writing a good quality ad about your product Niche is very important as you will be charged for every click on your ad. So it is up to you to ensure that your potential customers know exactly what you have to offer them.

This is why using Google AdWords Campaigns as your Search Engine Marketing strategy is so specialised as you can advertise directly to your Niche market and not attract unwanted traffic. This lets you dedicate time to the most profitable customers in your business and not waste time on the rest.

Should you not know what you are doing with this style of Search Engine Marketing you have two choices – Outsource or Educate yourself. As a business owner you are always going to see a higher return on investment (ROI) working ON your business instead of working IN your business. You do not need to be master of everything you simply need to know the person to contact to get things done right and cost effectively.

Author Bio: Wolfgang at Melbourne Web Marketing your local Marketing Consultant with his world wide team will ensure your Google AdWords Campaign is set up and optimised correctly to let you get the best for your money. Contact Wolfgang now at http://MelbourneWebMarketing.com and let him assist you today

Category: Marketing
Keywords: melbourne web marketing, direct response marketing, adwords campaign, keyword research, google adwor

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