Xbox Repair – Is it That Simple?

Probably the quickest thing you can do when your Xbox freezes is to call customer service or the Microsoft’s support hotline. If your Xbox has not been opened for less than 90 days then there should be no problem with the coverage because the warranty can still take care of it. However, if you have opened the box for more than 90 days already, then ready to shell out handsome amount of money to make your box running again.

One of the most familiar problems of Xbox is the 360 Red ring of Death and if you have not observed these rings after your Xbox warranty expired, consider yourself lucky. For those who are very familiar with their Xbox and its problems, seeing these rings means a doom to the Xbox because this means a really huge problem has hit your game console and you will really need an expert to make your Xbox up and running again. Fortunately, according to Microsoft, they have extended now the warranty of their Xbox consoles, which are affected by these 3 red lights to a full three years from the date of manufacture. So if you see those 3 rings blinking at you then call their customer service at once but make sure you are still under the 3 years warranty.

Now, for us who might experience other problems with our Xbox but unfortunately have expired warranty, it sure becomes a concern if you do not know how to repair your own box. However, you can find online instructional assistance that can provide you some tips with regards to problem detection. Moreover, some companies will encourage you to buy their hardware kit in order to fully avail of their Xbox repair instructional manual and kit. Sometimes downloading instructional repair tips is also a problem because companies will not easily give you full instructions on repair but will only provide you ideas how to detect malfunctions and symptoms of certain disorders.

So far, the best thing that you can do to for your Xbox repair is watching free videos on troubleshooting and you can find such videos on YouTube or on certain websites offering free assistance. Xbox repair is becoming a business and it is good news for us that some websites managed by independent web organizers like YouTube are versatile enough to provide us helpful instructions with our Xboxes. However, for you to have the highest level of repair, it is still practical to download instructional materials and buy the repair kit offered by some companies although we can say it can cost you few dollars for it. Buying a new Xbox will surely cost you ten times than repairing your kit but one tip you should greatly consider when purchasing Xbox repair kit from website is to look for companies that are legal, reliable and better if they are authorized by Microsoft.

Remember that there are actually no free provisions of repair guidelines the Internet can provide and there is no such thing as a free Xbox repair kit.

Author Bio: xbox repair manchester playstation 3 repair service

Category: Entertainment

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