3 Martial Arts Self Defense Tips Everyone Can Benefit From

The concept behind learning how to defend yourself is a fairly simple and straightforward one. Your goal is to learn how to avoid and escape potential threats, such as an attacker. In order to learn how to do this, many people turn to either a traditional form of martial arts or self defense courses. In fact, more and more people are starting to see the benefits of using self defense videos to help them as well. While there are a variety of approaches that you can take to make yourself feel confident, safe, and secure, here are 3 martial arts self defense tips that everyone can benefit from.

The first tip may seem obvious, but many people never think about it. You must always be aware and alert of your surroundings. This is true regardless of where you are, what neighborhood you are, and what you are doing. There is always a chance that an attacker could be just around the corner. One of the best ways to doing this is to simply maintain a personal bubble when dealing with potential threats. A common example that is used to illustrate this point is “the conversation”. Essentially what happens is you are out in the open, lets say a parking garage, and someone (from 15 feet away), says “have you seen an red Toyota on this level?”. Because you want to help if you can, you glance around and don’t see one. By the time you are paying attention to person asking the question, they are already only a few feet away and within attacking distance. Before you realize what it going on, you are on the ground. By staying aware of strangers and maintaining a personal bubble, this situation either could have been avoided altogether, or at least you would have had time to react and escape.

Another martial arts self defense tip is to make it quick. The average fight will last 10-15 seconds, a few good punches or kicks and it is over. The same is true when you are being attacked. If you get in a few good strikes, the odds are extremely high that you will give yourself a chance to escape. This means that you should focus on learning martial arts self defense moves that are simple, fast, and create space between you and your attacker.

The third tip is to save the ego for later. One of the biggest mistakes that you can make is to create an opportunity to escape, but don’t take it. Some people let their ego get in the way, and think that since they have a chance to escape, they might also have the chance to win the fight. This is one of the worst mistakes that you can make. Martial arts self defense courses are designed to show you how create an opportunity to escape an take advantage of it. There is a good chance that you created this opportunity because you surprise your attacker in some way, and if you stay around and fight, the surprise factor is no longer on your side. Put your ego in your back pocket and escape the situation while you can.

It doesn’t matter if you take a more traditional martial arts self defense class or grab a few self defense videos, following these three tips can be the difference between escaping and becoming a victim.

Author Bio: For more details about martial arts self defense & self defense videos, please visit us online.

Category: Sports
Keywords: martial arts self defense, self defense videos

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