5 Ways To Earn More As A Woman In Direct Sales

There must be a reason why some women in direct sales outperform others? Said another way, if two equally skilled women start a direct sales business, why does one rake in the business and the other barely make a dime?

When you think of your favorite direct sales consultant, what qualities immediately come to mind? What makes you call her when you run out of your favorite product? Why do you continue to hold shows for her over and over? You can learn to be a consultant that is as good as, or even better than, she is? Yes, you really can.

There are 5 qualities you need to be a great direct sales consultant. Each opens the door to earning more in your business. If you want to see your income going up, this is what you need. If you already possess these qualities, all the better. But if not, these are the skills to polish. The more you practice them, the more natural they become.

1. Honesty – First and foremost, a great consultant is honest. A successful consultant is honest in dealing with others. She did not join the network marketing company just for the money. She picked a specific organization or company because she truly loves the product she is selling and honestly believes in it. That integrity shines through in her work.

2. In-Depth Knowledge & Understanding of the Product – Extensive product knowledge is a must for every great consultant. She must be able to answer any questions that arise during shows or a consultation. Get to know your product if you don’t know it already. Get samples if possible. Try everything out; feel it, touch it, smell it, taste it, read about it or whatever is appropriate in order for you to know your product inside and out. If you are asked a question about a new product that you don’t know the answer to yet, find out. Don’t waste any time in getting the answer to your customer either. If you hesitate too long, you risk losing the customer’s confidence in you, not to mention potential sales!

3. Organizational Skills – Being organized is vital. This is a trait that can be learned. Organization is important no matter what type of business you are in. You are more efficient and give a better appearance to your customers. They will lose confidence in you if you fumble to locate a sales order form or don’t have your catalogs handy. Getting organized does take time. It’s worth the time it saves and the respect it earns for you.

If you are not able to get things in order, find someone who enjoys organizational tasks. They can help you get organized. This can be a friend, family member or even a professional organizer. Do what it takes to get things in order. Get help to organize your business files, products, brochures, customer files and receipts.

It’s much easier to keep yourself organized once you get everything straightened out. Don’t be afraid to ask your helper to teach you how to STAY organized. You’ve worked hard to become organized. It’s worth keeping it that way.

4. Manage Your Time Wisely – Time management is a skill every great consultant must possess. If you are not good at time management, take some courses or have someone you know teach you how to manage your time effectively. Time management is so important in direct sales because you need to be punctual to your shows, when interviewing potential new recruits, with customers and so on. If you are continually late, or worse, cancel appointments, your clients will lose their confidence in you. That will lose business.

5. Enthusiasm & Motivation – And the final trait every great consultant must have is excitement and motivation. Have you ever been to a show where the consultant was dull and boring? Did you want to buy anything?

Being excited about what you’re doing and selling is one of the greatest “sales tools” you can possess. Your excitement will bubble over into your show and to your guests and they will be more likely to buy from you if you appear happy and excited about what you’re doing. So, make sure you pick a company to work for that you truly do enjoy.

If you are not a naturally outgoing person, you can learn to overcome shyness by practicing being enthusiastic. You read right; you can learn to be enthusiastic about what you do. Think about what you do, what you sell. What really motivates you about the product – what do you love about it? Think about those things when you are showing the product. You’ll express your enthusiasm without even trying.

You can be a great consultant by learning these traits and putting them into practice. They will become natural to you. Your reward is that your clients will trust and like you. They will want to buy from you over and over. Plus, they will also recommend friends and family to you. Each of these traits, well practiced, is a way to earn more in your direct sales business.

Author Bio: Deborah Lynn McNeely is an author of other articles showing women more effective ways to create income in direct sales while still maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Get your free copy of “Intuition Counts in MLM: A Plan By Women For Women” right now. Go to: Best MLM For Women

Category: Marketing
Keywords: direct sales, consultant, women in direct sales, network marketing

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