5 Ways to Improve Your Resume to Keep it Out of the Dreaded ‘No’ Box

We’ve all heard there is no second chance to make a first impression. That begs the question, how seriously have you considered your resume as just that, your first impression?

There is so much to any one life. It can be a daunting task to be asked to put it all down in a cohesive, action filled, keyword rich, easy to read format in one or two pages. And not bore someone to tears. If not properly done, it is more likely destined to be filtered out and tossed in the ‘No’ pile.

Here are 5 quick tips to help put the odds in your favor and produce a resume that says clearly and concisely the company would experience a great loss if they at least did not call you in for an interview.

1. Decide just what you see, precisely as possible, to be obtained in your next career step. Then get that into words describing that ambition as clearly and concisely as possible. Incorporate that sentiment as soon as possible into your resume, especially how it would apply to meeting their needs.

2. You will need to decide the most effective way to present yourself to your next employer. That will include the format you use for your resume. It may very well mean you will not benefit by using a chronological listing of accomplishments, training, experiences, education, etc. In fact, it is quite possible that doing so could well ‘date’ you. Of course, we all know that age discrimination is outlawed. Is it worth it to try to build a possible lawsuit via your resume having been tossed aside?

3. Each job description will be filled with ‘keywords’ that you will need to incorporate into your resume. You will also want to make liberal use of action words to describe your accomplishments. There are many lists available, with some provided that are specific to certain job categories.

4. Make your resume easy to be scanned by the eye. Use a good font, probably no smaller than an 11-pt. in something like Ariel or Times New Roman. Make use of ‘white space’ by using titles and bullet points. Keep your sentences short and to the point and use numbers and symbols instead of spelling out the ‘percentage.’

Avoid the sometimes suggested tactics of using colored paper and fancy, colored text to get noticed. It may well turn out it is noticed in the pile of white papers and the first to be discarded. This is no time to be ‘cute’ but to project a professional image. Forget about adding pictures of yourself (unless specifically requested), family portraits, or cute puppies in an attempt to liven up some poor, harried HR rep’s soul.

5. The most obvious tip includes a couple of things that can be summed up as: be honest and remain positive. In today’s climate with blogging, social media and background checks, it is highly unlikely much will slip by.

Your resume is no time to make statements about the unreasonable, cantankerous old boss you had to tolerate daily. Your resume may prove to be one of the most influential and important documents you will possess. Seriously consider the services of professional resume writers to help ensure you will get your foot-in-the-door with an outstanding resume that will get you noticed and called in for that all-important interview. Then you can convince them how much they need you.

Author Bio: Need a job? Choose the right resume service for you and your situation. Do it today at http://www.ResumeLines.com

Category: Career
Keywords: resume writing services, resume writing service, resume services, resume service, resume writers

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