98% Are Kidding Themselves

These are the losers who jump from “magic button” to “magic button” so they never have to act.

Every product they buy is going to solve the “money problem”. I see it all the time. What the 98%ers want doesn’t exist and never will…

A product that produces unlimited income without any effort at all.

If you don’t act you are kidding yourself.

Only 2% get this. The 2%ers don’t buy every “latest thing”. Instead they follow the simple proven formula they know. It works every time.

Product + Traffic + Copywriting = Successful Internet Business

When the 2% need more income – they create a product… or they increase their conversion rate on existing products… or they do something to attract more traffic. They are too busy to buy every product they see… much less try them all. They know their limitations. They are focused.

When the 98%ers need income they buy the latest “can’t miss system” and watch it fail. They rarely try to use what they buy more than once if that. Most times it collects dust on their hard drive or on a bookshelf.

2%er’s act. They turn off the TV and produce something. They’ve got better things to do than numb their minds with “American Idol.”

98%ers whine. They’ll get started as soon as this Simpsons rerun is over, and over and over. If someone would just feed them as they watch, many might never move again.

2%ers overcome obstacles. They find a way to get things done. They solve problems. They make things work. One way or another, they keep going until they succeed.

98%ers can’t stop themselves from pointing out how “they” are “different”. It just won’t work for them. There’s always an excuse, an insurmountable problem. When asked about what went wrong they are likely to start with “If only…”

2%ers find ways to save time and become more efficient. They automate. They outsource. They find shortcuts and use them.

98%ers can’t stop spinning their wheels. They spend countless hours discovering new ways to waste time. And they always complain there just isn’t enough time to get things done.

2%ers take risks and then either take profits or cut losses. They decide quickly whether something will work or not and act accordingly. When they make a purchase they have specific plans to implement that purchase and execute that plan.

98%ers run up credit cards and whine for refunds when the pressure gets too great. They tend to panic because they are reaching their credit limits. They hit credit limits because they keep buying and buying and buying and never put forth the effort to make their purchases work.

2%ers focus on the task at hand. They are doers. They break projects down to simple tasks and do each one in turn.

98%ers wander from place to place looking for the “next big thing”. They are like butterflies who never land long enough to make anything work.

2%ers learn what they need to know and put it into action. They avoid “information overload” and Internet Marketing ADHD.

98%ers learn endlessly. There’s always one more thing they need to know before they can act. They are addicts of the worse kind – information addicts. The sad thing is they rarely use any of the information they’ve learned.

Are your kidding yourself? Have you been counting yourself as a 2%er when you are really a 98er? Take another look at the comparisons above. Be honest with yourself. You don’t have to stay a 98%er. You can easily become a 2%er. Just act.

Author Bio: You can read more articles by James D. Brausch on his blog here: http://JamesBrausch.com/?s=is2

Category: Business
Keywords: internet business, motivation, business, success, self improvement, james d. brausch,internet

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