A Real Man

If you are struggling in the dating world there may be a chance that you are not in touch with your masculine side.

Oftentimes people think to be a man, they have to act like jerks.

This is the farthest thing from the truth. Being masculine and being a jerk are not synonymous.

Being a jerk means not caring about the other person. Being a jerk means being selfish. Being a jerk means hurting and possibly abusing other people. Being a jerk means being oblivious to other people’s wants, needs and desires.

In contrast, being masculine means setting boundaries. Being masculine means knowing what you want and don’t want. Being masculine means knowing what works for you and what doesn’t work.

For instance, being a jerk means not showing up or calling when you say you will.
Being a man means not continuing to date a woman who doesn’t show up or call when she says she will.

See the difference?

Being a man means not pouting, whining or even getting angry when a woman doesn’t live up to your expectations. If the woman is not acting in a way consistent with your own needs and desires, calmly walk away with dignity and integrity. That is being a man. That is being masculine.

A masculine man is not afraid to express his opinions, wants, desires. He makes decisions without hesitating. A masculine man is not wishy washy.

A real man is not domineering. He knows that to be in control and have power does not mean using physical force or manipulation.

He does not have to yell. He does not have to bully or coerce. He does not have to intimidate.

A real man exudes confidence and as a nice side effect, this attracts everyone around him like magnets.

He is charismatic because he knows and likes himself. He is real because he is in touch with his emotions. He’s not afraid to show his emotions, but does exercise restraint when it comes to negative emotions such as jealousy and anger.

He knows when to leave the room and compose himself rather than lose his temper or lose control.

A real, masculine man takes the lead, but is also open to what others want to do. He doesn’t walk around with the belief that it is his way or the highway.

A real, masculine man is aware that everything he says and does has an impact on other people and the world.

He doesn’t walk through the world oblivious to its problems, but also doesn’t carry the weight of the world on his shoulders.

He does what he can and knows that it is enough to make small, meaningful changes in his life that may affect the world.

A masculine man is not threatened by other men who may be richer, more handsome or more charming. He knows that he is a unique individual who has just as much to offer a woman or society.

A real man knows himself and loves himself. As a result, everyone loves him.

Author Bio: Bill has been studying how to be a pick up artist for the last 5 years in NYC and can help you learn how to pick up women and how to get a girlfriend . The original article can be found here: A Real Man.

Category: Advice
Keywords: dating advice, self improvement, relationships

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