Another 3 Great New Business Opportunities

Are you looking for some new business opportunities? Of course you are. You and everyone else we’re willing to bet. Well, we have good news for you and then we have some great news for you. Here’s the good news: You don’t need us or anyone else to find some great new ideas for your business. Ideas are really out there for anyone to grab. What it takes to make a business successful is hard work and dedication. If you have those, then you’re halfway to making your dreams come true.

Okay, we hear some of you saying, so I can make a business work. I’ve got all kinds of ideas on what to do, but I still can’t think of something that hasn’t been tried for the umpteenth time. Now it’s time for the great news. We’ve put together a list of some really cool, new business ideas that you can try. We’re not going to promise that they’ve never been tried before. They have. However, they’re not yet common and aren’t quite at the point of being a swelled market yet. It’s up to you to grab one of these ideas and run with it.

Online Memorials with a Twist

Online, or perpetual, memorials have mushroomed in recent years. These are basically websites where people can go and post pictures and photos of their loved ones to remember them online. It’s the modern version of a shrine to people, which at one time would have been kept in a home (and often still is). Now we did say that these have mushroomed a bit, so creating another online memorial site, while a good idea all its own, isn’t quite the new business idea that we promised you.

However, creating such a site with a twist is a great new idea. Most online memorials are made up after someone has passed away by people who knew him. However, our idea for you is to offer people something akin to a pre-need funeral. Pre-need funerals are funerals arranged fully by a person while they are still alive so that their loved ones don’t have to bother with all of the details in their time of grief.

You can offer people a way to create a memorial that they would want for themselves. The memorial can include personal, perpetual messages to family and friends of the deceased that will go live only upon your being informed of the person’s death. While we’re sure someone somewhere has come up with this idea as well, it’s not yet common and it’s ripe for the picking. Go to it.

Write a Great Online Dating Profile
If you’ve grimaced at reading some of the lame things people say when they post their profiles on online dating sites, you’re not alone. People either say nothing at all about themselves or often say things that should never be put up on a dating site for everyone to see. You can help these poor lost souls to find their true love by taking an objective view and helping them write an amazing personal profile. Think of it as helping someone write their dating resume (after all, Jerry Seinfeld says that a date is really like a job interview where you both take your clothes off at the end).

Create a Guide to Stupid Stuff on the Internet

We know this may not quite qualify for a list of new business ideas. There are plenty of places such as Digg and stumble upon that help people find stuff on the Internet. However, our suggestion again is something with a twist. If you’ve ever seen America’s Funniest Home Videos, you know people love seeing stupid things happening to ordinary people. Our suggestion to you is to make this your life’s work. Find all the stupid stuff on the Internet and aggregate it to one place. You aren’t going to talk about real or important news. You’re going to make people laugh. And that’s a truly great business plan.

Want to learn more about new business opportunities? Just drop by our site for some great additional material:

Author Bio: Want to learn more about new business opportunities? Just drop by our site for some great additional material:

Category: Business
Keywords: Online business opportunities

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