Benefits of Dog Steps

If you have a dog, small or large, chances are they like to jump on your favorite recliner, the sofa, or your bed at night. Dogs love sleeping on furniture, especially when it is yours or something you sit in often because it holds your scent more and of course, your dog wants to lay where your scent is to feel closer to you. Some dogs, especially the very small breeds, have a more difficult time jumping up on furniture, and others have a hard time jumping because they are older and therefore may have arthritis. This is wear dog steps can be of great assistance to your dog.

What are Dog Steps?

Dog steps are a short series of steps, normally with the top stair level with top of the seating area of the sofa. The idea, is the dog uses the steps in order to climb onto the sofa, bed, or whatever other place he or she is trying to get on. The dog steps come in a variety of materials, including plastic, wood, and metal. The actual stairs are covered in a soft material making it soft under the dog’s foot. The stairs made of plastic are relatively light weight, while the wood and metal are much heavier to move about.

What Dogs Benefit from the Stairs?

If your dog is small, it is not a good idea for he or she to jump high distances because they can hurt their backs and end up with pain later when they are older. Dogs, like humans when they injure a joint in a early age, it can later develop arthritis, so the dog stairs become an excellent way in which to provide your dog a comfortable step-up.

Moreover, many people have dog steps in more than one area of the home, this way it prevents you from having to move the stairs from furniture to furniture. There are many colors of dog stairs in which to choose from so that it matches perfectly with your furniture scheme.

In addition, when you are away from you home, you can feel confident knowing your dog will use the stairs to climb on to get to his or her favorite piece of furniture rather than jump and possible injure themselves. Most dogs take to the pet stairs with very little training and in fact, most enjoy it because it is easier than jumping.

Final Thoughts

You love your dog and you want to keep them safe. If you have an older dog or even a younger one, the dog steps make a great additional keep them safe from jumping when you are home and when you are not home. Most dogs will take to the stairs immediately, because they know it is something that makes getting to their favorite place easier. You can purchase permanent pet stairs, such as the heavy wooden ones to remain it in the same location or you can choose portable ones that can be moved easily. If you are handy with creating items, you could essentially make the pet stairs yourself.

Author Bio: Kelly Marshall is a popular contributor to Oh My Dog Supplies – bringing you dog beds, dog steps (including portable dog steps), dog ramps and other sweet dog supplies.

Category: Pets
Keywords: dog steps,dog step,dog stairs,dog ramps,portable dog steps

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