Burn Fat, Build Muscle – 3 Dos and Don’ts to a Thinner, Healthier You

Want to burn fat, build muscle, and feel better? There are definitely things that you should do, and things that you shouldn’t do. In this article, I want to give you three dos and three don’ts that will lead to a healthier, thinner you.

Burn Fat, Build Muscle Don’t #1 – Don’t Do a Fad Diet

Don’t be fooled by these “latest and greatest” diets. They all claim that they have a brand new way of helping you to burn fat, build muscle, and lose weight. This is great for public relations and media hype, but it is not good for you living a healthy life. Many of these diets will help you to lose weight in the short run, but they are completely unsustainable. I have many friends who have lost significant weight doing a low or no carb diet. But do you know what happened when they stopped the diet? They put all the weight back on, and often even more.

Burn Fat, Build Muscle Do #1 – Do Eat a Healthy, Balanced Diet

To burn fat, build muscle, and get the lean body that you want, the best course is the tried and true eating a healthy, balanced diet. Eat a diet that has plenty of proteins and plenty of fiber, while staying away from processed foods (the hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, and artificial trans fats in most processed foods are a definite diet killer). Carbohydrates are fine, as long as they are balanced with fiber. This means that fruits and vegetables are great, but stay away from fruit juices.

Burn Fat, Build Muscle Don’t #2 – Don’t Waste Your Time on Cardio

Contrary to popular belief, cardio is not the key to burning fat and building muscle. But for a lean body, cardio is nearly useless. 30 to 40 minutes 3 days a week on a treadmill may burn a few calories, but it will not change your metabolism or your body’s hormonal response to exercise.

Burn Fat, Build Muscle Do #2 – Do Interval Training

A higher intensity interval training program is much more effective if you want to burn fat, build muscle, and feel great. Your heart needs training at varying levels to help it to handle the stresses that life throws its way, and interval training provides this.

Burn Fat, Build Muscle Don’t #3 – Don’t Take Any Diet Pills

If a diet program talks about diet pills, run! Nearly all (I say nearly because there may be a good one out there, but I don’t know of any) diet pills are a complete waste of money. Just like there is no true get rich quick scheme, there is no lose weight quick pill. Just trust me on this one, stay far away!

Burn Fat, Build Muscle Do #3 – Do Be Disciplined and Stick With It

Like anything else, to be successful at changing your body to burn fat, build muscle, and look great, is going to take some work. Choose a diet program and stick with it. If it is a good program, it will not promise overnight results, and you should not expect them. Stick with the program and as your lifestyle changes become permanent, your results will accelerate as well.

This was just meant to be a quick reference for you as you start the process of living a healthier lifestyle. On my site, I have a free eBook that will give you many more tips to help you get the lean body that you want.

Author Bio: Kurt is an elementary school teacher, the father of two boys, and a fitness nut. He runs a website dedicated to losing weight quickly called www.myfasteffectiveweightloss.com where you can find tips, articles, and recipes to help you to burn fat, build muscle and get into the shape of your life.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: losing weight quickly, burn fat build muscle

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