Characteristics of Medical Equipment Supply

A medical equipment in hospitals are able to play its best performance, in addition to the technical performance and the machine itself has a direct relationship, but also the quality of power supply and has an extremely important relationship. Power quality is good or bad, will directly affect the operation of medical equipment, stability and reliability, and even lead to accidents and major medical equipment, causing huge economic losses.

At present, the domestic medical equipment they use 220V mains power supply. Because different types of medical equipment supply needs, the current use than the centralized power structure. From a centralized power converter to generate the required output voltage of different voltage levels. Because of its low cost, high efficiency, output voltage adjust, output noise, and fast dynamic response is very suitable for the medical class of devices, the medical class of devices currently in use up to a power supply. Medical equipment supply program identified the need to consider the following questions.

Security and isolation

Security and isolation are common power supply and medical supply business a major difference. Typically, in addition to some experimental analysis class equipment, medical equipment mostly installed in the bed or operating table near the operator’s distance from and the more recent, case often will be touched. Medical equipment within a variety of strong, weak parts, if the strength of electrical isolation between the insulation material or a housing problem, it will be very dangerous. Most of the medical device safety testing power must be UL60601-1, C-UL, EN60601-1 and other security certification. Input and output must be more than 4,000 V isolation voltage and low leakage current requirements on the ground in line with safety regulations required creepage distance. The need for strong double insulated electrical parts, in particular, may be some contact with the equipment enclosure must strengthen the insulation design.

Electromagnetic compatibility and anti-electromagnetic interference

Equipment selection for the medical class, or build a good power supply system, must focus on improving the supply of electromagnetic compatibility and resistance to electromagnetic interference. Mainly from the following aspects to consider:

Design. PCB design and layout, the general power supply will contain some high-frequency signal, PCB printed on the line can play any role in the antenna, the length and width of the printed lines will affect the resistance and inductance, thus affecting the frequency respond in a timely manner through the production line of DC signal will be produced from a nearby line coupled to the RF signal and cause circuit problems. Therefore, the power to choose the medical class of the big brands, has a strong R & D strength of the company’s products, these products in the design and production technology, can guarantee good quality.

Shield. In order to suppress switching power supply generated by radiation, to eliminate electromagnetic interference on other electronic equipment, medical equipment, the impact of the best way is to power the magnetic field shield, and then the shield and medical equipment chassis or Di as a single entity This is a multiplier approach.

Certification. Most of the medical equipment category at this stage the power needs through the FCC-B, CISPR22-B, EN55011 55022 61204 61000 and other anti-electromagnetic compatibility and electromagnetic interference tests. Select products to complete these tests not only ensure that no devices regularly produce electromagnetic effects of other electronic components, medical equipment and reduce development cycles and time to market inspected before.

Size and high power density. In addition to the medical class of multi-function devices, high-precision test and adjust the direction of development, smaller size and portability is also a direction. This power supply medical equipment required to be smaller board area conditions have higher power output.

Special applications. On the market today centralized power supply products are mostly the standard output, even if some external power supplies can output regulation circuit manner, adjustment range is not great, but stability is also problematic. If you hit a low voltage, high current or high voltage direct current situation how to deal with, of course uses a customized approach, but the price is very high, customer acceptability.

Price. Today, the price of medical equipment because of fierce competition, have been gradually transparent, especially for small home medical equipment, prices have been very popular and mass. So this requires an important part of medical equipment – power, must have a competitive price.

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