College Degrees Online

How to buy college degrees online – that is a pretty ethically and legally loaded idea. Yes, there are websites that will actually sell you a degree online by only entering your credit card number and presto, you have a bachelor’s degree in the mail in less than a week. Sounds pretty fishy, huh? Save yourself the embarrassment, the penalties, and possible jail time and attend a legitimate online college or university. Listed are very good indicators that an online “school” could be a “diploma mill” or even an overall fraud in that not only will you not receive a legit copy of a degree, but also get scammed for hundreds of dollars.

Know What to Look For

They are known as “diploma mills” and offer people the option to buy college degrees online. The sites will offer no nationally or regionally accredited certifications and if they do, they are usually faked.

Grammar/spelling on the website and on “course materials” will sometimes be pretty bad. Even a minimal amount of bad English is indicative of a diploma mill.

Being admitted into the school is only a credit card away. No need for ACT/SAT test scores; no need for advanced admission standards and entry tests. Do not fall for it.

Online schools offering a degree in a radically reduced time frame. For example, two months for a bachelor’s instead of the usual four years.

The schools that offer consumers to “buy college degrees online” and even allow them to choose their GPA and academic honors in advance and right after purchase. How convenient and thoughtful of them! Get real.

If they make no mention of how many credit hours are required to graduate and make it look too good to be true, it is.

Nothing in Life That’s Worth It Is Easy

Instead of going with a very risky and probably illegal diploma mill that lets you buy college degrees online, choose a legitimate online college or university. Choose an online school to receive an earned degree.

Do your research. Even if a school claims to be accredited with this national body or that national body, do not take it at face value. Check it online from a trusted accrediting agency. And check reviews and reports on your target school online from a variety of independent sources.

Make sure they offer the type of degree you need to pursue — associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, or doctorate — and that it is in a field that you want to pursue while validating that your choice of study will be valuable to you in the job market after you graduate.

Earn Your Degree

Sure, people do set up a website, register a business name, print some degrees on fancy paper with fancy seals, and offer people to buy college degrees online. Those who do this do so at great peril to their character, reputation and life free from hefty government fines and imprisonment. Do not disgrace yourself by buying college degrees online; use your common sense and get into a legitimate school where you actually earn it. Buy college degrees online? No thank you!

Author Bio: For more great information about an online college degree,
and online university degree programs visit our site today.

Category: Education

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