Computer Monitor – Size Matters

The size of a computer monitor can make a big difference depending on your line of work. Though my eyesight has never been perfect I have found that over the years looking at a computer screen has seemed to has taken a toll on my vision.

The past couple of years much of my day to day work revolves around computers. I am either writing content for my websites, building and designing websites or editing pictures and video. I have both a lap top and a desktop computer but most of the work I do is on the desktop. For many years I was able to easily work with one computer monitor that was a 19 inch monitor. I know, I know that may seem big enough but it all depends on what you are doing.

The 19 inch screen was fine when I worked on one thing at a time but let’s face it we are still in the world of multi-tasking even if they told you it’s bad for you. My big advance in productivity really came when I attached another computer monitor to the computer and set it up with a dual monitor layout.

When I first started this set up it seemed over the top but the second monitor wasn’t that big. It was only a 15 inch monitor but was great for opening a window for research while I used the other for typing my content and articles. It was also great for “watching” a video or webinar while I continued my day to day work activities on the other screen.

My husband really was the one who spurred my interest in this set up because at the time he had gotten a 22 inch monitor at work and was resizing windows and tiling them to do something similar to what I was doing. Boy was he jealous when he saw my new set up.

Sadly my old 15 inch monitor gave out the other day and I quickly realized that I had forgotten how to accomplish anything without a second monitor. Given that computer monitors can be energy hogs I could not help but feel guilty that I would be willing to go out and buy another monitor.

The reality though is that my work really does require a certain level of efficiency that the dual monitor set up gives you. Instead of buying a new monitor for my desktop I decided to take an older 17 inch monitor from the “family” computer. We did of course replace that monitor with something more up to date. We bought a 24 inch monitor that is great for games and video and will make for a great candidate for my next monitor.

The size monitor you choose depends on your needs. As you can see our family has different size monitors for different needs. This may not seem that eco friendly but monitors are getting more energy efficient. Not everyone has the type of set up or needs that we have but large size monitors are not as expensive as they used to be. As the population ages and more and more of us use the computer for both work and fun assessing your computer monitor needs before you buy will be the key to getting the right size monitor for you.

Author Bio: Alex has been a writer for many years.

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