Designing a Clutter Free Child’s Bedroom

If you’re tired of telling your child to clean their room, then it’s time to find a permanent way of dealing with all of the clutter. Often times, kids just need a little help and guidance to get organized, and then they are able to keep their room neat and clean… well, at least neater and cleaner.

Tossing What They Don’t Use
Children’s rooms are often small, and many times they share the room with a sibling. It’s no wonder that it’s difficult to keep items organized. One important thing to remember when trying to maintain a clutter-free room is that the room should never contain items that aren’t being used. This includes off-season clothing or toys, as well as toys that are no longer played with. If the room is full of these types of things, there isn’t going to be any room for the items they use every day.

Under Bed Storage
Start by clearing the room of these types of objects. Off-season clothing can be stored in other household closets or in plastic under-bed storage bins. Toys can easily be rotated on a regular basis, which not only makes more space, but often makes the toys more fun to play with. If there is anything that is outgrown or no longer used at all, it’s time to send those items to charity.

Storage Options
Another important thing to keep in mind when controlling clutter is that the storage method has to fit the usage. While high shelves are fine for display items, toys that are played with such as blocks, dolls, cars, and books all need to be stored with easy access in mind. For instance, while bookshelves are great for books and CDs, blocks should be stored in a plastic bin or plastic milk crate. This way, clutter is reduced because it’s easy to put the toys away after playtime.

Shoe Boxes
Plastic shoe boxes are also another great idea for reducing small toy clutter. Using clear plastic shoe boxes, you can label and place one type of toy in each box, and then stack them neatly on a bookshelf. Even small children who can’t yet read can put toys away properly if you draw picture labels on the boxes. This also encourages a child to put one box of toys away before bringing out another, as opposed to everything being stuffed in the same toy box.

Toy Hammocks
Stuffed animals and toys are often a common organizational challenge in a child’s bedroom. If your child’s bed is constantly buried under a stack of stuffed animals, which then get tossed onto the floor at bedtime, a toy hammock might be a good solution. These handy devices can be installed on the wall over the bed, keeping the beloved little critters close by for bedtime, but still out of the way.

Bulletin Board
Papers are also a common clutter problem in a child’s room. Instead of stacking papers everywhere, provide an area on the wall using a French bulletin board, magnetic board, or corkboard that is the designated spot for school papers and art work.

Once the room is organized and de-cluttered, make quick bedroom clean-up part of the bedtime routine, so that the room stays de-cluttered.

Author Bio: Jessica Ackerman, author and staff designer at, specializes in bedroom wall art for wine home decor.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: home, decor, design, wall art, improvement, remodel, budget, repair, organize, feng shui, clean

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