Does Cutting of the Hair Make it Grow Faster?

It is often believed that cutting and trimming of hair allows the hair grow at a faster rate. However, it’s not as what is believed. It is the natural process which allows hair growth. The average human hair growth is at a rate of somewhere between quarters to half inch every month. And it’s absolutely ok to shed 90 to 100 hairs every day. As the old hairs are being shed, new hairs come back to replace the oil hairs which have been shed.

The cutting of hair aids hair growth, but it is because of a different reason. An average person with an average growth may believe that the new good growth has been due to the hair cut, but there is a very explanation for such occurrence.

The ends of the hair strands are generally very brittle and dry and thus tend to break off. Most of the people bear the opinion that their hair has stopped growing, but this is not true. Hair continues to grow always. It’s the breakage of the old and dry hair ends that make one believe that hair growth has been stopped. Hair always grows from the top of the scalp. So through cutting and trimming, one can get rid of the breaking ends and does not affect the normal growth rate. The better results are evident because of lack of breakage and not because of cutting.

So it can be concluded that cutting of the hair does not make it grow, but yes regular trims do help to maintain the length of the hair, and it portrays that it is growing faster. There are several other factors, which affect the hair growth. The food items included in the diet and their nutritional value have a close relation. Besides this, chemical process, stress to the hair in the form of ironing and blow dry and physical health also affect the hair growth. If you are poor in health, do not have a balanced healthy diet and regular process your hair with relaxers, perms and color, use low end hair care products then you shall have short thin hair with slow growth. On the other hand, if you maintain proper physical health, use optimum hair products, take vitamins, and keep the chemical processing to the minimum then you shall be able to grow your hair at least 6 inches in a year.

Regular cutting of the hair may not aid growth directly but helps greatly to maintain healthy, shine and nice heads of hair. Hairs are very much similar to nails. As nails grow up to a certain length, they are almost dead and fail to grow further, similarly non trimmed hair does not show evident growing. Moreover, regular trimming and cutting can help to take care of various other problems. Split ends on the hair can also be removed by cutting and thus encouraging hair growth. So there is a combined play of various factors which directly and indirectly aid the growth of hair.

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Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: Hair, Hair Growth, Hair Loss, Beauty, Women Interest

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