Don’t Fall Victim to Date Rape Drugs

Date rape drugs are drugs that are used to assist in a sexual assault by making the victim unable to fight back. They go by many names, such as Rohypnol, GHB, Ketamine, roofies, special K, and liquid ecstasy, but what’s more important than knowing their names is learning how to protect yourself from them. Date rape drugs can be slipped into your drink without you even realizing it, and will make it virtually impossible to protect yourself as the assault is carried out.

When you’re out drinking, never leave your drink unattended, even to visit the restroom, or accept a drink from a stranger. Though you might think you’d realize it if your drink was doctored, the most commonly used date rape drugs have no color, smell, or taste. You won’t realize you’ve been drugged until it is too late. Even if you don’t think you’ve given anyone the chance to slip something into your drink, pay attention to anything that seems unusual. Does your drink taste funny? If so, do not drink any more, and ask the bartender for a new drink. Some date rape drugs make a drink taste bitter or off, though other drugs have no flavor.

Do you feel extremely inebriated or disoriented after having only a small amount to drink? If so, stop drinking and go somewhere safe quickly with someone you know and trust. Learn to recognize the symptoms of being drugged with a date rape drug. These include relaxation or sleepiness, lowered heart rate and blood pressure, slurred speech, dizziness, and nausea. Some date rape drugs also interfere with memory retention, so that the victim has no memory of the assault.

Protecting yourself from such situations requires enlisting the help of friends and family. Arrange for a designated driver if you plan to drink, and always head out with a friend rather than by yourself. Before you leave, tell someone where you’ll going and when you’ll be back. Otherwise, it is possible that no one will realize something bad has happened to you if you don’t come home on time.

Carry the right tools to keep yourself out of a dangerous situation. Of course, never leave home without your cell phone, which you can use to call a designated driver, a friend, or 911. It’s also a great idea to carry pepper spray, a stun gun, a personal alarm, or a similar self defense device. There are mini styles designed to be carried in even the smallest handbag, and these devices are absolutely crucial if you find yourself in danger. Although date rape drugs can inhibit your ability to defend yourself, these tools are indispensable in a wide variety of dangerous situations.

Far too many people, both women and men, think that “it can’t happen to me” when it comes to date rape drugs. The fact is, over a third of all women will fall victim to sexual assault during their lifetime, in addition to increasing numbers of men. The use of date rape drugs has gone up significantly over the last decade, though keeping your eyes open for any signs of trouble can go a long ways towards keeping you safe from such dangers.

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Category: Society

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