Exercise as a Stress Management Tool

The benefits of fitness training are not limited to your physical well being only. The proof of this lies in the fact that more and more fitness professionals are using exercise as a stress management tool for their clients. Perhaps even your trainer has talked about exercise being a stress-reliever. In additional to the conventional benefits of exercise you can also look forward to using exercise to bid goodbye to mental stress.

Are you wondering how this is possible? Consider the following reasons and you should be able to get a clear picture.

1. Exercise as a way to release your frustrations: your time spent in the gym can be a perfect way to let go of anger and other negative emotions that might be pent up inside. Life teaches us harsh lessons everyday and if you have been at the receiving end of some misfortunes and calamities, exercise can help you move on with a fresh mind. Boxing, martial arts and intensive weight training can take your focus off the negative elements of life.

2. Be ‘on a high’! Exercising can help you reduce stress inducing hormones such as cortisol and increase the release of endorphins which bring about a positive feeling in your body and mind.

3. Create a parallel universe. If you are really focused during your workouts, you can shut out the world, albeit for an hour. Leaving all the worries, problems, anxiety of life aside, even for an hour everyday, can be great for your mental health. Moreover, if you keep thinking about your health and fitness training you will not find any time for negative thoughts to creep in.

4. Look the way you like. How you look has a great bearing on your happiness as an individual. People may not admit this but it is true. If you have a muscular figure with no fat, you are bound to feel proud about yourself and have a positive self-image. Greater social acceptance and popularity should also follow suit. So you can forever get rid of stress related to your appearance.

5. When you feel confident about yourself, you can do things that you may have always thought impossible. So whether it’s your profession or personal life, you can adopt a go-getters attitude. And once you do that, you will be successful in most of your endeavors. Stress might soon become an obsolete word for you!

6. Exercise helps you keep fit and if you are healthy, stress decreases automatically. This is because you no longer fret over your fitness. Fitness might be a cause of concern for you because almost everyday new diseases are affecting humans all over the world. If you are into exercise, you are happy because you know that at least you are trying to keep these diseases away.

7. Last but certainly not the least, exercise helps in fortifying you against stress. If you fit, you react mildly to stress inducing situations in life. In other words you can take more into your stride, than ever before.
So, what are you waiting for? If you want to bid adieu to stress forever, start exercising today!

Author Bio: An easy way to manage stress is to workout with a program like the author’s Pinole Personal Training program. In his years as an El Cerrito personal trainer he’s mastered the art of stress management for his clients.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: stress management, fitness, exercise, exercise to reduce stress, reduce stress, health and fitness

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