GM Maize Imports the Early Worries

COFCO the first time in 14 years caused large-scale imports of genetically modified corn market, attention, combined with a number of institutions predict that large-scale maize imports will increase, once again revisit the issue of national food security. A large number of long-term sustainability of maize imports, or flash in the pan, for GM maize policy will change, maize import large quantities of soybeans will repeat mistakes?

National Development and Reform Commission has come forward to respond to that, China to allow import of 11 types of GM maize, and only allow for animal feed. While analysts told reporters that the government allowed the import of genetically modified products is still controversial, present the main consideration is to stabilize the price may be, prevent inflation.

Corn imports will gradually expand the scale of

“Ten years of maize imported very little, this year’s procurement is already the highest since 1995, purchases.” A recent long-term corn futures analyst Chen Li (pseudonym), told reporters that the first time this year have open access enterprises, “Import corn industry chain has opened up, and now can do so, may also do. “The analysts expect the future import of the amount will gradually expand, new hope and VI Ji Tuandeng other enterprises can do to get the import quota was.

According to Chinese Customs data, in June 64,500 tons of corn imported from China, in May 4882.31 tons of imports. Although the total amount of small, but the scale of China’s imports of corn to open the channel. According to the latest market information, said China’s current total order buyers of U.S. corn has reached 27, the number of ships, about 1.62 million tons. Since July 20, the southern part of China’s imports of maize into focus by the port in Hong Kong stage, the Guangdong port after another 30 tons of corn imports to Hong Kong.

By the end of April, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s export and import data to show that private Chinese enterprises and exporters of the United States signed the United States imported 115,000 tons of corn contract, while China imports corn from the United States is the last 4 years. Marubeni Economic Research Institute, Japan and even predicted that China may 2015, the maize imports one million tons from this year’s expected rise to 10 million tons.

GM’s dazzling, food security, sensitive, more than ten years of maize imports ripple. Development and Reform Commission also said that respond to the international community has more than 20 kinds of genetically modified corn, genetically modified by our security review, have proved safe and allow imports of only 11 species. At present, enterprises imported corn is used in the feed on, a predetermined processing enterprises, fully enclosed run. And because a small amount of imports will not suppress the market prices of the main producing areas, it will not hurt the interest of farmers.

Attack on the import of corn may be worried about the domestic industry, said Feng Lichen, general manager of China’s net corn this year, Chinese enterprises have been approved over the corn import quotas are also dissatisfied with 1.5 million tons, China’s annual demand is 150 million tons of corn, imports only 1%. Many industry people and Feng Lichen, like the view that the import of maize voice was small. Chen said that even if imported 10 million tons, account for only 5% -7% to. “And not the same as soybean, corn is the basis for food, there are restrictions on the quota system.” In its view, sufficient to ensure that the current import quota system will not impact on the domestic corn industry.

At present, China’s annual import tariff quota for issuing 7.2 million tons of maize, of which 40% of the non-state-owned trade quota, allocated mainly to feed more than a certain scale domestic enterprises and other industries; another 60% of the state-owned trade quota, allocated mainly to state trading enterprises , that is, COFCO Limited.

Tight balance between supply and demand rigid demand

But can not be ignored is that the Chinese corn market will bear long-term balance in supply and demand. Feng Lichen, said corn imports this year have cut production last year, factors, coupled with the first half of the domestic market prices rose slightly, a number of factors superposition, into the import business. However, insiders told the reporter that can be said to be forced to do this import. “In fact, new hope, VI Group, and has been up, please pay. Corn supply, increase the voice of a higher underlying demand.” According to the figure, in 2009 maize growing areas in Northeast cut sharply because of drought, when the National Grain and Oil Information center is expected to cut production 2.9 million tons of domestic maize, in fact, underestimated the number of cuts. Until May of this year reflected the market, feed processing enterprises and enterprises purchasing difficulties prices. The actual cuts are expected to reach 15 million -1800 tons. “This year all maneuvers barely fill the gap.”

A feed business have also told reporters that domestic corn in recent months has been in short supply, especially the first two months of purchase tense, the present price of corn for feed or for your business.

China National Grain and Oil Information Center on this year’s forecast is that 2010 corn production was 168 million tons, an increase of 2.5% or 4.03 million tons. Corn acreage is 30.56 million hectares, an increase of 100,000 hectares, an increase of 0.3%.

For such numbers, these people said it expected the figure to 155 million -1.58 million tons, compared to 168 million tons a thousand the number of gaps. Feng Lichen, said domestic corn for industrial use each year about 37 million tons or so, accounting for 25% of feed corn to 95 million tons, accounting for about 60%, the rest being food, seed and so on. Feng Lichen, said corn industry is a rigid demand, industrial and feed demand is growing.

Chen said that in raising the level of domestic per capita consumption, increased consumption of meat and eggs, evolved to rely on basic food. On the other hand, corn and other crops in the face after years of increasing production output pressure, the small size of the gap may be a long time, need to import corn added.

Another easily overlooked is the weather. The past two years, the domestic water logging and other natural disasters. China’s corn planting is mainly distributed in about 24 provinces and regions, including Northeast China, Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Henan, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, and Guangxi. Journalists throughout the media to disclose information made under the preliminary statistics, the main producing areas in Liaoning Province, Jilin Province in July subject to flooding more obvious, analysts expect corn production decreased by 100 million tons. 17.4 acres of corn affected area in Anhui, is expected to yield loss of 0.26 billion kilograms. In addition, Shanxi, Shandong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Jiangsu, Inner Mongolia, Sichuan and other provinces and regions affected crops in varying degrees, related to corn, vegetables and other crops.

Chen said that, fortunately, to increase corn acreage this year, Heilongjiang basically not affected the main producing areas, coupled with strong number of disaster-resistant corn, whole, natural disasters, supply of corn will not produce significant impact, “as long as the the rainy season not to have accidents or corn yield can be achieved. “

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