Good Leads Are MADE Not Born

What is the Difference Between a Good Lead and GREAT LEAD?

It’s as easy as:

“They don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

Great Leads contain the answer to:

– How does your Mother know that you care?

What is the #1 indicator to your Mother that you care? Contact. Contact on her birthday. Contact on the Holidays. Contact out of the blue just to check in with a story or a kind word.

Though we are not selling to our Mothers, Contact is the universal demonstration of caring:

– If you want your girl friend to marry you, you are going to need plenty of contact (Not that kind! The notes, dates and phone call kind)

– If you want an acquaintance to turn into a friend it takes contact

– If you want any type of relationship to occur it takes contact

Great Leads are MADE not Born (good leads are born)

Good leads can be generated by coming up with a catchy headline or a neat idea. A good lead will get people calling you about your nifty idea, they’ll want more information.

Great leads create a relationship with the receiver. They will demonstrate that you care (saying you care is worthless, it must be shown.) That demonstration is in the universal show of caring…contact.

A Great Lead gets clients…good leads get people seeking information only.

How do you know if something works? I suggest the “Real Life Test.” Think of a real life situation…put the idea to work in that situation…see if it works.

10:1 Real Life Test-

“Straight to the point” – Let’s say you move into an office next to a Property/Casualty agent. The very 1st week he comes over and introduces himself, hands you a card and says he can beat your current coverage.

What would you do? I would politely tell him I already have a guy that I work with, thanks anyways.

“Hi ya neighbor!” – Let’s say instead of coming over to present his business in the first week, this Property/Casualty guy comes over and asks if you need anything.

Then he starts dropping by every week, just to say hi or talk about the weather, share a joke or ask about your family for a minute or two.

He does this for 3 or 4 months. He has now had 10 friendly conversations with you. You have built a relationship and have become comfortable with each other…

He then says, “Say, I saw you the other day with a boat behind your truck. My company loves boaters! We have a great boat protection program. Would you mind if I gave you a quote on your boat?”

What would you do? I would feel obligated to say yes. Why? Well, first he just simply asking for a quote. He seems up to this point, nice and caring. He has never pushed or bothered me before. Heck, what could it hurt? And maybe I will be able to save some money.

10:1 Ratio WORKS!

If you contact your prospects with nice, friendly and NON-FINANCIAL handwritten notes 10 times they know that you are a caring person. (handwritten notes are even more powerful than conversations because of the perceived time it takes to send one.)

Then when you touch them with a helpful, financial (call to action) message, they know you are doing it to be caring, not doing it to sell them something.

How often can you send a selling message? After every 10 NON-FINANCIAL or what I call caring contacts. (Why 10? Because we tried more and less and 10 is the sweet spot)

So what type of leads are you going generate? Those that attract people that want to suck information from you or those that create relationships with your prospects. Choose carefully because your choice will shape your future practice.

Author Bio: Mike Kaselnak is considered one of the top marketing and sales experts in the financial services industry. He has personally mentored over 300 financial advisors in the past 10 years. These financial advisors saw their average production increase by 62%. Many saw increases of over 300 percent. He writes articles that have appeared in many mainstream magazines and has written the popular report 300 Financial Headlines that sell.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: business,marketing,financial,advisor,client,contact,leads

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