Healthy Eating: Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Products containing Omega-3 fatty acids have been quite popular recently, with many different health supplements becoming more available in recent years. These fatty acids have been shown to promote heart health and neurological health as well. But before you order those vitamins you saw advertised on TV, try boosting your Omega-3 intake the natural way by adding foods high in polyunsaturated fats to your diet.

For healthy growth and nutrition, scientists recommend balancing your intake of Omega-6 fatty acids with Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-6 fatty acids, which are found in poultry, eggs, and many types of oils, promote inflammation in brain membranes. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish and shellfish, helps reduce this inflammation. As such, a proper diet of these balanced fatty acids provide for correct neurological health, allowing good transmission and control of synaptic responses. Both of these nutrients must be obtained by eating, since the human body cannot produce them on its own. A major problem is that the American and Western diet contains anywhere between 14-30 times more Omega-6 to Omega-3. To correct this imbalance, Americans must abandon their strict reliance on chicken and pork, and need to add more fish to their diet.

Omega-3 fatty acids are very important for neurological function and growth. People who are deficient in this type of fatty acid have symptoms of fatigue, mood swings, poor memory, and heart problems. The Mediterranean diet has been shown to have a better balance between Omega-3 and Omega-6. With low emphasis on meats high in bad cholesterol, Spanish, Italians, and Greeks eat many types of fish, olive oil, fresh vegetables, and whole grains. All of these ingredients are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. People who follow this type of diet have better heart health with lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and lower risk of heart attack.

Besides its great heart benefits, Omega-3 has also been shown to greatly impact brain and neurological health as well. Infants who have received a generous amount of Omega-3 during pregnancy have better vision and nerve health then those who were deficient in this fatty acid. It has also been shown to reduce some symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Other studies involving the addition of more natural Omega-3 range from the decreased chance of macular degeneration to less menstrual pain in women. Most importantly, the antioxidants in Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce the development of certain types of cancer, including cancer of the prostate and breast.

For a great way to improve your heart and brain health today, remember to cut back on your chicken and egg intake and start eating more Omega-3 foods. Fishes high in Omega-3, like cod, salmon, halibut, and tuna, can also be combined with other Omega-3 foods to make a great dinner. Tonight, broil a filet of salmon in garlic sauce and olive oil, with some fresh peppers on the side, for a great meal high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Adding more meals like this to your diet will drastically improve your energy level, health, and overall life satisfaction.

Author Bio: Bill Oliveira is the owner of Chateau of Spain Restaurant located in Newark, NJ. The restaurant is conveniently located close to the Prudential Center. This establishment offers a wide variety of food for dine-in, catering, and more.

Category: Cooking
Keywords: Omega-3,fish,fatty acids,healthy eating,health foods,salmon,balanced diet,nutrition,seafood

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