How To Be Confident Around Girls

Many men extremely shy around women, especially with girls they are meeting for the first time or in the presence of a woman they like. The problem with shyness is that it is a trait that is not attractive to women because girls are attracted to confident men, not nervous wrecks.

To make matters worse, it is because of shyness that many men never try to approach women to attempt a conversation and this can destroy your chances of meeting new women or never get to meet the girl you like. If you don’t make your attempt, you may never see her again.

The good news is that this shyness with women can be fixed if you want to. So here are some techniques on how to be confident around girls.

One of the reason why guys are nervous and shy around women is they place too much emphasis and expectation on the outcome of the meeting. Instead of having fun and interesting conversation with the girls, shy guys are constantly obsess with saying the right things and are afraid that they might screw things up.

The way around this is to be relaxed and have some fun. Just focus on the subject of the conversation and leave everything else out of the way. You don’t have to think about the outcome and just be yourself. So what if you fail to get her number or what is the big deal if she is not interested in you? There are always other women you can approach, isn’t it?

Another way to be confident around women and to eliminate shyness is to practice and practice until you are confident of yourself that you can handle the situation without goofing up. When you practice your approach diligently, you will become very natural in your approach and being natural, you have already overcome your shyness and nervousness.

Just like any other skill, learning how to approach and attract women is something that must be practiced till you perfect it. So if you have perfected something, you can skillfully do it with ease naturally. Therefore if you take the effort to practice your conversation skills with women and find out what works in each circumstances, you will feel confident and comfortable around women. In fact, you may even eagerly wait for any chance to display your skills.

To boost your confidence even further, always dab some human pheromone cologne on you. In case you do not know what human pheromone is, it is a an almost odorless scent that we produce that is found in our sweat that is said to be a human attractant and is able to sexually attract people.

Although we produce pheromone naturally, because of evolution and lifestyle, we are not producing enough of it to be effective. Humans detect another person’s pheromone with the vomeronasal organ which resides in our noses. Unlike animals, our detection ability is said to be eroded through lack of use because of our ability to use other medium such as conversations to find and sift out our mates.

Whether wearing pheromones will work or not is not the point. Even if it does not work, it can give you the placebo effect to be more confident around girls and getting rid of your shyness and nervousness.

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a fitness, health and relationship consultant. Read his free articles at How To Approach Group Of Girls and Human Pheromones

Category: Dating
Keywords: confident man, shyness, with girls, nervousness, human pheromone

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