How to Hit Golf Driver 300 Yards and Further

Hitting the driver is one of the best experiences in the game of golf and a lot of people want to know the secrets the pros use to hit the ball 300 yards and more. There are certain key elements that all long hitters in the game of golf have in common so if you can learn to emulate these then perhaps you too can become a monster hitter off the tee. The first key to the long drive is learning how to take full advantage of leverage or lag.

What is leverage?

Lag is created when the golfer delays the release of the club to the last possible moment. The angle between the club shaft and the left hand stays as small as possible until impact. This will deliver high club head speeds through the hitting zone which in turn creates high ball speed. It is important however to not think consciously about holding the release to the last second. One way to help create more lag is to start the downswing with a small shift of weight towards the target before you bring the club down.

Another tip to create more lag is to think of the club as a whip and focus on whipping the club through the hitting area. A strong leg movement is another key that many big hitters have in common. If you watch a lot of big hitters closely you may notice that many of them are on their toes through impact, this is because of the strong leg and hip lateral shift towards the target. If you genuinely want to hit the ball 300 yards then you must learn to generate club head speeds over 110 mph and also learn to launch the ball at the right angle with the right kind of spin. It does take a certain level of physical fitness and strength in order to hit the ball further so be sure to keep you muscles strong or get them stronger by doing weight training exercises which can be done in a gym or there are many home gyms you can buy that can help you strengthen your muscles.

You do not need massive muscles to hit the ball far but they do need to be strong in order to support the high club head speeds. Be sure to strengthen all your muscles both upper and lower body as they all play important roles in the swing. Also make sure that your grip pressure is not too tight as this will promote poor swing mechanics. Instead use a light grip pressure with most of the pressure being applied by the left hand for right handed players. Make sure also that your driver is the right kind for your swing type. If you generate high club head speeds over 100 mph then you want to make sure that you are using a 9.5 degree driver or lower and also make sure that the shaft is a stiff. Use these tips to help you hit your driver further and have more fun on the course.

Author Bio: Kenneth is an author and webmaster. Visit his site on golf tips to help you get better at the game. Also be sure to learn about useful golf course management tips to help get the ball in the hole with fewer shots quickly.

Category: Sports
Keywords: hit golf driver far, increase golf driver distance, learn to play golf

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