How to Make Money Without a Job

Making money without a job is actually possible and it can be done without winning the lottery as well, though that would be nice too. While everyone has to work, there is no reason that you have to report to a boss Monday through Friday, nine to five and work for someone else; that’s a job.

When you figure out that you can make money for yourself on your own efforts a wonderful world opens up to you. One where there is no limit on the amount of money you can make in a year, or even a week. One where you can set your own hours and even work in your pajamas if that is your wish.

Making money without a job is really a state of mind, but it will also require you to be very focused, very dedicated, and to work your tail off. The good news is that you will be working your tail off for you, not someone else. Here are some ideas to get you going:

– Blog: You can make money by blogging. In order to do this you need to first figure out what you wish to blog about. Then you actually have to get a blog going and there are many freebies that you can use such as WordPress and Blogger just to name two. Once you begin to blog on interesting topics, you can then use Google, or others, to place advertisement on your blog. The advertisement will be relevant to what you are blogging about and if a click on the advertisement becomes a sale, you get a commission.

– Write: If you are a good writer then you can put those skills to work for yourself. There are many websites online today that will pay you to writes articles on anything of your choosing. Some will pay you a little bit up front and some will give you money for every so many page views that you receive and some will offer both. In the end you can take your passion for writing and turn it into dollars and cents.

– eBay: It has never been easier to start up your own eBay business. Yes, it is a bit time consuming to get everything set up, but it isn’t quite as nerve racking anymore. That’s because eBay has many tutorials and step by step instructions all designed to help get you going. Once you are set up on eBay, poke around your home for some items to sell. You would be surprised as to how much ‘money’ you have lying around your house. Once you get a good feel for the whole eBay process, just figure out what you want to sell and find a steady supply of it. Before you know it you will have your own eBay business cranking.

Make no mistake, making money without a job is still work, but the rewards will all go to you. As the old saying goes, “If you find a job that you enjoy, you will never work a day in your life.”

Author Bio: Jason Kay has been a successful internet marketing professional since 2004. He recommends starting a home internet business in your spare time at first. Read the latest career advice articles on the web’s premiere Employment magazine.

Category: Career
Keywords: make money,making money,ebay business,work online

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