How to Recapture His Heart – Steps to Take When Your Ex Boyfriend Does Not Want You Anymore

When your boyfriend tells you he is ending the relationship, as soon as he is gone, you begin to wonder how to recapture his heart. You also want to scream, cry and kick until you get it all out of you. That is fine, as long as you wait until he is gone. You must never let him see you cry. If you do, he will know that he owns you and he can have you anytime he wants to. This allows him to put you on hold, while he goes out and dates a little and know you will be waiting. You cannot allow this to happen if you love him and hope to have a future with him. There are steps to take when your ex boyfriend does not want you anymore.

Showing your ex that you cannot live without him is a sure way to lose him. If you made yourself too available during the relationship, and always were there when he called, he took you for granted. But, you can use his taking you for granted to get your ex back. Think of your car keys, as long as you have them handy whenever you need them, you take them for granted. But if you lose them, you go crazy trying to find them. This also applies to ex boyfriends. If he thinks you are waiting at home for him to call, he will let you sit and wait forever.

But if you make him think he has lost you, he will want you again. That is just human nature, you want what you cannot have or feel is lost. So, stop having any contact with your ex and go out with friends and have a good time. Stay out of his sight for a few weeks and let him wonder where you are and what you are up to. Word will get back to him that you seem to have gotten over the breakup and you are moving on. This is not what he expected you to do when he broke up with you. He thought you still loved him and would try in every way to get him back.

The way to recapture his heart is to make him think he has lost you. If he feels you are now out of his reach, he will desire you like never before. Suddenly he will not be able to take it anymore and he will try to contact you. If he sends an email, do not answer it. If he calls let him leave a message. Let this go on for about a week. Then get dressed in the clothes he always favored and wear you hair in the style he preferred. Now go out and ‘accidentally’ run into him. Be cheerful and friendly, but do not hang around. Tell him it was nice to see him but you are meeting someone and you are running late. This will make him want you like never before.

Author Bio: If this is the man for you, don’t give up. There are proven methods to make him love you like never before. Bad mistakes can ruin your relationship for good. To avoid these fatal mistakes, you need proven steps to get your ex boyfriend back and keep him. What you should and shouldn’t do can be found at this Helpful Site.

Category: Relationships
Keywords: recapture his heart,he does not want you anymore,get your ex boyfriend back,get your ex back

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