How to Set up a Band PA System?

No doubt you will have been to your fair share of live gigs. The chances are that if you have ever been to see a really good band, you probably wont have even noticed the PA system. On the other hand, if the show was bad then the sound system will have been the first thing you will have noticed. The way the PA system is set up can make or break an artists performance so when you are setting up it is vital that you know what you are doing. Here are a few pointers on how to set up your equipment for that all important gig.

Start out by placing your equipment where it needs to go and don’t worry about the cables at this stage. We are assuming that your band requires a relatively small setup so place your speakers to the left and right of the band and try to aim them towards the centre of the room. In order to get the best sound projection it is best that the speakers are in a slightly elevated position.

Now you need to place on speaker in the centre of everything so that it will face the band. This smaller speaker is to be used as a monitor and will work best if it is aimed upwards at the band members. Although the singer will usually be closest to the monitor speaker you can set it up so that it faces anyone in the band. Don’t be afraid to use more of these speakers if you feel that they are required. Don’t forget about your drummers as he will be away from the front of the stage. Remember to place a monitor speaker behind the drummer for his convenience only.

The placement of the mixing board will depend solely on who will be taking charge of the audio mixing for your show. If the band takes care of it’s own mixing then it is best to place the board within arm’s reach. In most cases the club will have it’s own in house sound technician so it is best to place the mixing board out behind the audience.

Next you need to set up the microphone stands where they are required. Each singer should have their own microphone, as should each guitar and bass player. If you are playing in a smaller club then the chances are you may not need to mic up the drummer.

Now you have the equipment in place check the outputs of your mixing board and locate the ‘monitor’ jack. Using your speaker cables connect the monitor to a power amp, and then the power amp to each monitor. some of the more expensive sound systems will allow you control over each individual monitor. The main outputs should be connected to another amplifier and then to the main speakers. XLR Cables should be run from each microphone to the board and make sure that they are labelled so you don’t forget which is which.

Before you switch on, turn the main volumes down on the board and power amps. Once you have switched on, adjust the volume levels, sound check – then jam!

Author Bio: Edward Kendricks is writing on behalf of CTS, a leading UK supplier of PA system installation.

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: PA system, band, sound system, speakers, amplifier, club

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