How to Write a Book For Sale in Your Spare Time

When it comes to learning how to write and publish a book, I can tell you from personal experience that you need to be totally focused on reaching your book writing goal. Many people pursue information about how to write a book for sale, but out of hundreds everyday, only a few will actually follow through and do it.

The first thing you have to have is the desire to see your book idea in print. I’m not talking about just dreaming about it, but having that deep, inner gut drive that practically propels you into taking action. One of the things that puts a lot of people off from writing a book is not being able to properly manage their writing time.

This book project is going to require a certain amount of hours per week in order for you to make steady progress. So, before you begin actually writing, I recommend that you block out some specific times that you are confident that you won’t be interrupted by any distractions. This will be your exclusive book writing time. If you can commit to keeping a regular writing schedule, then you’ll be that much closer to being a real author.

And your goal here is to be an author – not just a writer.

Okay, now you’re ready to begin planning your book. If you think that authors just sit down at the computer and start banging out a book, you need a reality check. The best written books are all planned out in advance. So, put your thinking cap on and figure out what your book is going to be about, who, or what, is going to be the main focus, and who is your main audience.

Outline your book and come up with chapter titles and subheadings so that you’ll know exactly what to write about when you get to each section. Do your research and take notes so that you’ll have facts to refer back to when needed.

The best way to write a book is to sit down and begin writing it. The more you write, the more you’ll get used to thinking of ideas and typing them out. During this process, you may actually find out that you really enjoy it. If so, then you know that you were born to be an author.

In order to sell your book, you need to write for real readers who will be interested in buying it. This is easier said than done. Hopefully, you will pick a topic that you are passionate about. This will make the writing so much easier – and of a higher quality.

If you plan to write a non-fiction book, then you need to do some research first to make sure that people are actually interested in that subject. The more people that are interested, the higher probability that your book will sell. Writing for a niche audience, that loves to find out new information about their favorite topic, is a sure-fire way to generate sales.

If you plan to write a fiction book, make sure your story has all of the dramatic elements it needs to be a real page turner. This requires you to develop strong storytelling skills and learning how to translate that story onto the written page. While it will be a bit harder to make sales due to stiff competition and lack of name recognition, if your first book is good enough, you can win fans who will eagerly await your next book.

Author Bio: Realize your dream of becoming a well-respected published author. I’ll show you how fun and easy it is to write and publish your own book in just a few weeks with a step-by-step writing system. Instantly boost your professional credibility and earn more money. Go here now:

Category: Writing
Keywords: Write,writing,writer,book,books,how,publish,published,time,tips,pointers

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