If You Want Him to Chase You Again – Learn How to Push Your Ex Boyfriend’s Hot Buttons

When your boyfriend says he wants to end the relationship and walks away, you are filled with a deep sorrow. You feel as if everything you cherished in life has been taken away. You sit and think of all of the happiness he brought you and that makes the pain of losing him worse. It is understandable that you should feel this way, but it will not get your ex back. If you want him to chase you again, learn how to push your ex boyfriends hot buttons.

Everybody has their hot buttons and when they are pushed they react in a certain way. One of yours might be the aroma of fresh popcorn. When it hits you, your desire for popcorn is aroused. If you are denied the popcorn you want it even more. This is the way hot buttons work. To get your ex boyfriend back, you need to make him desire you again and then make him think he might have lost you.

To understand how to make him want to chase you again, think back to when you first met him. Something about you attracted him, but you seemed unavailable. This pushed his hot buttons because he felt challenged. He began to chase you and you played hard to get for a while and then you let him catch you. Everything went great for a while and he could not be with you enough. Then he started finding excuses to skip dates and you felt him gradually pulling away. So, you tried to ask him what was wrong and he said he needed a break and he was gone.

What happened was, you fell too deeply in love with him and become too available. Your ex started taking you for granted and became bored. He felt he needed another challenge, so he told you he needed a break. This will allow him to have some fun, date some other women and if he does not like what he finds, you will be waiting. This makes for a great arrangement for him and a rotten one for you.

Your ex boyfriend does not want to lose you, so you have to make him think he has. That will make him desire you again. The good news is, it will be easier than you think. He thinks you will be sitting at home waiting for him to call. So, give him a wake up call. Get dressed in your most desirable way and get some friends together. Go out to the places he hangs out and let him see you flirting with other guys and having a great time. Then disappear.

He will try to contact you, but do not take his phone calls or answer his emails and text messages. By doing that, you are making him wonder if you might have found another guy and he has lost you for good. That will push his hot buttons good and he will be back chasing you in a hurry.

Author Bio: If this is the man for you, don’t give up. There are proven methods to make him love you like never before. Bad mistakes can ruin your relationship for good. To avoid these fatal mistakes, you need proven steps to get your ex boyfriend back and keep him. What you should and shouldn’t do can be found at this Helpful Site.

Category: Relationships
Keywords: make him chase you again,push his hot buttons,get your ex boyfriend back,make him miss you, get your

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